Tuesday, January 28, 2014
28 Jan: Tuesday Turdfest!
Monday, January 27, 2014
27 Jan: Messy Monday.
I crapped twice today....once at 5am and again at 8am. Pretty messy, mostly liquid both times. Sorry they're not better looking. Looks like it's going to be one of those weeks.
26 Jan: Sunday surprise second ploop!
I went out to eat Sunday brunch, and I drank a couple of Bloody Marys. Then, later on, at the Home Depot, I got those familiar rumblings. I sped home, and, happily, gave birth to a second bouncing baby poo! Not particularly pooagenic, but you can't have everything!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
26 Jan: Sunday Ploop.
So I got up this fine Sunday morning and I was expecting to have my customary cup of coffee. But, as it turns out, I had to crap BEFORE I had my cup of coffee. Yep, I had to shuffle right into my bathroom to poo.
And what we have here is a fairly soft ploop. Not my best effort. But, hey, my ass dictated the poo. Not my fault. :)
Saturday, January 25, 2014
25 Jan: Saturday chunks.
24 Jan: Friday block.
23 Jan: Thursday log.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014
22 Jan: Snow day skinny poo!
Well, it snowed yesterday...about 6 inches. When I woke up this morning, it was 8°F. That's cold. I think that's like -14°C. Bone chilling cold. And why would I want to go out on that cold? So I decided to work from home today. So I had a cup of coffee, and then had nice poo. And my poo was rather--skinny. A skinny, snow day poo. I also included a picture of the snow on my deck.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
21 Jan: More cat poo.
So, we discovered more cat poo, because the cat's litter boxes were behind a closed door. This time the poo was in an upstairs bathroom. Hidden away in a young lady's shorts. The young lady stated that she works no longer wear the shorts...even if they are washed. Can't say I blame her...
21 Jan: Tuesday fluffy logpile.
So I wake up this morning, had a cup of coffee, and decided it was time for a nice poo. And poo I did. Pretty standard stuff. I was low carb yesterday, so this poo was unexpected....and appreciated! I call this a fluffy logpile.
20 Jan: Bonus Cat Poo!
So, we had a guest in our house and he closed the door to the room where the litter boxes are the cats use to do their business. So, for about 4 hours, the cats couldn't get to their litter boxes. I was down in the basement, and I thought "I smell ass." And sure enough, one of the cats had left us a present on the carpet. Not their fault...they couldn't get to their box. Poor kitties.
Monday, January 20, 2014
20 Jan: Holiday Ordure.
So...I have the day off today...it's a holiday. So I woke up this morning, had a cup of coffee and thought, "it's time for a good poo..." And poo I did. Although yesterday wasn't technically a cheat day, I do usually end up eating more carbs on Sunday, and that makes for better Monday poos. And below we have a pretty solid turd. Once again, I chose the pic without the flash, because the poos just look better.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
19 Jan: Sunday double take.

Saturday, January 18, 2014
18 Jan: Fuzzy Saturday Floop!

16 Jan: Rare Two Ploop Thursday!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
13 Jan: Monday miss!
Perhaps the perfect crap and I missed it. <sigh> Sorry.
15 Jan: Hump day plop.

Sunday, January 12, 2014
12 Jan: Sunday Delayed Poo!
Friday, January 10, 2014
10 Jan: Oops.
So my girlfriend found my turd. She wasn't happy. She said the color had leached from the turd and collected at the bottom of the bowl. Leaving tan husks of their former selves.
Unfortunately she isn't as excitied about taking pictures of turds as am I. So no pics.
Oh well.
10 Jan: Friday Plope.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
9 Jan: Thursday Lincoln Logs!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
7 Jan: Tuesday soup!

6 Jan: Monday Logpile.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
5 Jan: Second Sunday Squirt?
5 Jan: Sunday Plound?
Saturday, January 4, 2014
4 Jan: Saturday Plogs!
So today is Saturday. I carbed it up pretty good last night. That's my routine...I fast all of Friday, and then pig out on carbs Friday evening. I also eat and drink anything I want on Saturday. But feasting Friday evening usually makes for a pretty good poo Saturday morning. And this morning didn't disappoint! Nice poo logs....or a "plog." Sinkers and at least one foster. Win/win!
Friday, January 3, 2014
3 Jan: Rare Friday second Ploop!
So, I'm not quite sure why, but I took a second crap today. Wasn't really carbing it up yesterday, and that's usually when I have a two poop morning. Not really a lot going on...pretty soft, normal (for me) plop.
3 Jan: Snow day Ploop!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
2 Jan: Finally a more solid poo!
So, as I've said in my last couple of posts, I've been having intestinal distress the last couple of days. This has resulted in poo plops or liquid poo. Not very pooagenic. Today I'm feeling a lot better...and this morning I crapped a more our less solid poo. And I got in there nice and tight so you can see all of the details.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
1 Jan: Tuesday, New Year's Day poo!
Still not feeling quite right in the gut. And my poo is still showing it. I drank a lot last night, and woke up a little hungover. My poo was a plop, and darker than normal. Anyway, see for yourself.