Thursday, April 30, 2020

30 Apr: Thursday scumplejorn.

Working from home, pooing at home. This one came a couple of hours after I woke up. This is a nice looking poo. If you look in the middle, you can discern a little dollop that I squeezed out after the main load. I rate this poo a solid 8.


29 Apr: Wednesday jimplutzle.

So, mid week work/home poo. This poo was a load coming out. This is a lot of poo. Ended up as a blob. If you look at the beginning (toward the top) it looks like the log kind of corkscrews. Not as obvious in the picture as it was in person. This poo had potential. As it is, I rate this poo a 5 1/2.


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

28 Apr: Tuesday blurpjindle.

Working from home, pooing up a storm. This one came as soon as I woke up. Nice, big poo blobs. Interestingly, I've recently started taking multivitamins, and about 3 hours after I take them, my pee is a bright, greenish yellow. I'll try and get a pic. This poo I rate a 5 1/2.


27 Apr: Monday chogyummle.

So, start of my 6th week working from home because of the coronavirus pandemic. Dropped a couple of big poo loads over the weekend. But still had plenty of poo for Monday morning. Couple of nice size logs. I rate this poo a 6 1/2.


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

26 Apr: Sunday slurplecurd.

So, feasted Saturday night and drank a lot of vodka. But that's normal for a weekend. I don't think I'm drinking any more than normal because of the pandemic. But I did wake up a little hungover Sunday morning. Kind of a cool looking poo. Swooped over with a swish. Big, brown log. For once. I rate this poo a 7.

25 Apr: Saturday clunchfrodder.

So, I've been quarantined in my house for 5 weeks. And the poo just keeps on coming. Usually a big poo after the Friday evening fest. Kind of a big, brown poo pile. I give this poo a 5 1/2.


Monday, April 27, 2020

24 Apr: Friday droobvlauten.

So, didn't poo on Thursday. Weird. One day I'll shit 4 times and then one day I don't shit at all. So I was expecting a big load on Friday, and that's what I got. Big load 'o poo. Big, brown chunkles. I rate this poo a 6 1/2.


22 Apr: Wednesday horkincron.

Mid week home/work poo. Working from home, and not doing a lot else. I am binge watching Netflix. And I'm pooing. I continue to poo. The poo just never stops. And this poo is not exciting. I rate it a 5 1/2.


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

21 Apr: Tuesday torglegloam.

So, I woke up this morning at 3:30 with intestinal cramps. I've written about the before on this blog. 2-3 times a year intestinal cramps wake me up from a sound sleep. When they're really bad they can be painful. This morning it was just a feeling of pressure and discomfort. And the only way to get rid of the cramps if to have a bowel movement. And I did that. In the pitch black darkness. And I really had to struggle to push it out. I was really straining. And the poo below was the result. After all that struggle. A little bloop. Oh well. I rate this poo a 4.


Monday, April 20, 2020

20 Apr: Monday mogberchunkle.

So, I crapped 3 times yesterday. Last time, after lunch was just a couple of squirts. Sometimes that means I don't poo the next day. Well I did indeed poo today. Softish chunkles. Nice contrast. I rate this poo a 5 1/2.


Sunday, April 19, 2020

19 Apr: Sunday yorglechityer.

Because I crapped 3 times yesterday, I wasn't sure if I'd poo today. I shouldn't have worried. I pooed even before coffee touched my lips. Not a bad poo. Meh. I rate this poo a 6.


18 Apr: Saturday flompchomble.

So, I didn't poo on Friday. Not that unusual because I fast during the day on Fridays. Saturday I crapped 3 times. The first 2 produced pretty good pictures. The third poo was prompted by a big, fat Jersey Mike's chicken cheesesteak sub. Yum. The first poo is a big log, but it's submerged so it's hard to see. The phone focused on the surface of the water so the poo is fuzzy. I'll rate it a neutral 4. The second poo is a much better, very contrasty rich brown poo. I rate it a 6 1/2.


16 Apr: Thursday splortlegoom.

Working from home. It's our new coronavirus reality. And I continue to poo. And poo. And poo. This poo felt really solid coming out. But once again, it kind of broke up at the end. Sigh. Another good poo ruined. I rate this poo a 3 1/2. 


Thursday, April 16, 2020

15 Apr: Wednesday yarbletorp.

Mid week, 4th week working from home. Still pooing. Still using baby wipes to clean up afterward. And then NOT flushing those wipes. I fold the wipes and put them in the trash. And then wash my hands. Word out everybody--don't flush your wipes! Even if the package says "flushable." Even flushable wipes will screw up your plumbing. Just don't do it. I rate this poo a 3 1/2.


14 Apr: Tuesday jarbcwumpet.

Week 4 of working from home. Still pooing. The poo never stops. And I won't stop posting my poo. Until I die. So, if the poo pics stop, you'll know the coronavirus probably got me. This poo felt really solid coming out. But the picture doesn't really reflect that. Looks like a log on the bottom, but more broken up on top. Notice the solitary floating nugget toward the top of the pic? All well. Seems like I haven't had a really solid poo in weeks. But it's still poo! I rate this poo a 5.


Monday, April 13, 2020

13 Apr: Monday glorblechort.

So, my poo decided to wait for me to wake up today. Came about 5 minutes into my first cup of coffee. Sort of a middlin' poo. And--I changed my running wiping routine. Because I've been told flushable wipes aren't actually flushable, I can no longer flush them. But they do get me really clean. So, I wipe twice with regular TP, then wipe with a wet (flushable) wipe, fold it up and put it carefully on the floor, wipe again with TP, and go and put the wet wipe in the trash. Sigh. And then I flush and wash my hands. What a brother got to go through to get a clean ass 


Sunday, April 12, 2020

12 Apr: Sunday ploopgumper.

So, second day in a row a poo woke me from a sound sleep. This ploop caused an intestinal cramp that woke me up about 4 am. Once or twice a year a get bad intestinal cramps that wake me up, come in waves, and will only abate with a bowel movement. This morning wasn't quite like that, but close. I had to poo. Again, in the dark. Not a good poo pic, buy still a poo. I hope in not getting sick.


Saturday, April 11, 2020

11 Apr: Saturday clumpchobber.

This poo woke me up. It was about 6 am, and I was dreaming I had to poo. I went into a public bathroom, and toilets in two stalls had HUGE poos in then. Abnormally large. Poos dropped by giants. And then I woke up and had to poo. Dropped this poo in the dark. And took the pic in the dark. Only a middling poo, but it has a story. I rate this poo a 3 1/2. 


10 Apr: Friday chweltyunder.

Fasting Friday, pooed later in the afternoon. Not only is this a good poo pic, but it's an interesting one. The loglet at the top looks like a mushroom. Or a cock! I rate this poo an 8 1/2.


Thursday, April 9, 2020

9 Apr: Thursday quilpjornet.

Thursday working from home. Another big, globular poo. I have noticed that page views on my blog have gone down in the last couple weeks. A guess people have things on their mind other than poo. I get it. This is a bad time. Pandemics are no joke. Especially this one. This one seems to effect just about everybody. But I will continue to poo. And post. Because the world needs a little poo right now.


8 Apr: Wednesday plurchjimmer.

Tuesday's poo was liquid. So no pic. Wednesday's poo was much better. Chunky and plump. Nice rich brown color. Nice big poo pile. I rate this poo a 7. 


6 Apr: Monday durmdrickle.

Monday, starting my third week working from home. That means better lighting, and better poo pics. And that's good for my readers! So--win! This poo was vet soft, came out in a slither. Kind of feathery and rough. Meh. I rate this poo a 4.


5 Apr: Sunday glutcherstrump.

Fairly healthy Sunday poo. Feasted on pizza on Saturday, which usually makes for a good poo. This one is heathy, plumpy and brown. I rate this poo as a solid 7.


Saturday, April 4, 2020

4 Apr: Saturday chutglobbin.

So, after crapping twice on Thursday, I didn't poo yesterday (Friday). So, today's load was a big one. I had to squeeze this bad buy out. This was a substantial poo. A big, fat, brown globbard. Rich and creamy. I rate this poo a 7.


Thursday, April 2, 2020

2 Apr: Thursday zerqlebournd.

So, coming up on two weeks working from home. That's good and bad. Good because that means no annoying fluorescent lights to screw up the pics. But, the new routine had screwed my poos. They've been mostly soft, and not pooagenic. Today's poo felt like a fairly solid log. But, upon inspection, it wasn't. Just a big mushpile. What can I do? Drink more water? Eat more fiber? My diet hasn't been good lately because I haven't been going to the store very much. Maybe more fruits and veggies will help. I rate this poo a 5.


1 Apr: Wednesday chudruckle.

So, working, and pooing, from home. This is the new normal. It's a coronavirus world. But that doesn't stop the poo. Nothing stops the poo. I only pooed once yesterday. Good thing, because it's still hard to find toilet paper in the store. And I have a limited supply. It could get to the point where, of I run out of toilet paper, I'll have to take a shower every time I take a dump. New normal, right? Boring poo. Oh well. I rate this poo a 3 1/2.


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

31 Mar: Tuesday churnknobbet.

Tuesday working from home. Strange times. Still pooing. Still taking pictures of my poo. What else can I do? I poo, and post pictures pics of my poo, for you. This is what I was born to do. If poo pics can't get us through this what can? Unfortunately, this isn't a good poo pic. It's a plop. It's a ploppy ploop. It's a gloop. It's a schmoop. I give this a 3 1/2. 


30 Mar: Monday flumplets.

So, starting the second full week of working from home. Strange times. Trying to avoid COVID19 and stay healthy. But still gotta poo. And poo I am doing. Cool little loglets. I like the color. I rate this poo a 6. 
