Thursday, September 30, 2021

27 September: Monday splobegorfner.

Beginning of the work week and I'm still crapping at home due to the pandemic. At home or at work, the crapping never, ever stops. The one constant in my life is the poo. The poo if my rock. No matter what happens, I know I'll still have to poo every day. Kind of comforting, don't you think?


Sunday, September 26, 2021

26 September: Sunday flornetdjunkle.

This poo popped after breakfast. It wanted to come earlier but I held it in. If I hold it, the poos seem to get a little more solid. And that's ALWAYS more fun. A big blop or a log instead of pile or a splat. This onen wasn't really solid. Came out in one splort. Just--blaaaaappht. Sunday poo, good stuff.


25 September: second Saturday fluggerborndt.

So, about 5:30 pm I had to drop another load. Not a bad second dumper. Kind of knobby and globby. There you go.


Saturday, September 25, 2021

25 September: Saturday shleeshyim.

So, I'm in bed about 7am. And I let loose a couple of big farts. A mean. BIG farts. I think my next door neighbors could have heard them. Rattled the windows. And then I had to poo. I thought it would be a big poo, but it was more fart than poo. This poo got me out of bed. And it was just--okay. Poo is poo. 


24 September: Friday quinchfloop.

A cute, orange little poo all wrapped up in a little poo papoose. All gooey and gunky. I like it. It has personality. Check!


23 September: Thursday sumpoinker.

This is a big of orange mini-loaves with a dollop of liquid cream poo in the middle. And you can see a green pepper from the HUGE Chipotle brisket burrito bowl I had the day before. A lot of food and a lot of poo. Good stuff.


22 September: Wednesday thoochelborz.

Been pooing pretty regularly lately. One poo a day. That's good. Multiple poos a day make for a sore bunghole. That no good. This poo is beefy and dainty at the same time. Smooth on one side and rough on the other. It's bipolar poo. Yes it is! Kind of a downer?


21 September: Tuesday sporflutch.

Just sort of a dollop o' poo. A blob with a poo tail. Kind of orangish. Not a lot else to say.


Thursday, September 23, 2021

20 September: Monday splomberthomp.

Starting yet another week working from home because of the coronavirus pandemic. Still pooing at home. And it doesn't look like that's going to change any time soon. This poo is brown, chunky and loafy. Choafy. Lounky. The new words continue. And you, gentle reader, probably had no idea you would expand your vocabulary simply by reading this blog. You're welcome.


19 September: Sunday jumpglordan.

So, started the week off with a poo. How many times have you heard that? Poo is orange and fluffy/plump. Flump. Pluffy. I just love making up new words for poo. 


Saturday, September 18, 2021

18 September: Saturday phlooberjoinder.

Started off the weekend with a nice poo. And, unfortunately, it came about half an hour after I took a shower. I had to the shower--i was gross.n hadn't showered in 3 days. So I showered and was fresh, and that lasted about 30 minutes. Took the dumper, and was no longer fresh. Ah well. You can control when you poo. 


17 September: Friday sloopercrinch.

End of the work week poo and this is a big load o' poo. Just a big, fat load of poo. This took a couple of seconds to squeeze out. Usually by poos exit my bunghole I'm about half a second. The shear volume of this poo meant it till a while to get out. A poo your big and you feel like you've accomplished something. Whew!


16 September: Thursday glimestonblorg.

Pooing at home. I should start a podcast with that title. I'm not sure what kind of a market there is for a poo-themed podcast, but it's got to be more interesting that the work I'm doing now. This is a deep, smooth brown, without the grain in the poos in the previous several days. Creamy and grunchy.


15 September: Wednesday spawcladrunchle.

Middle of the work week poo. Not spectacular, but you can see the bits of material from the burrito bowl I had for lunch the day before. Always fun when you can see something identifiable in your poo. 


14 September: Tuesday floopertzunk.

Pooing at home. This came about an hour and a half after I woke up. Just a big wad of poo. A folded chunk of brown, grainy pflunk. Not the best poo pic, but not bad either.


13 September: Monday chorfluggin.

Still working from home due to the pandemic. Been writing from home since mid-March 2020. So this is still home/with poo. Started off the with week an interesting chunk/log stew. It's got that grainy look. Cool.


Sunday, September 12, 2021

12 September: Sunday gunchfalder.

So, after crapping three times yesterday, I was wondering if I would poo today. I shouldn't have worried. The first thing I did after waking was poo. The poo never stops. And this is a nice looking poo. So, here's to more poo. 


11 September: Saturday double cloimpsterforbe.

So, I crapped three times Saturday. 3 times. No bueno. My bunghole was burning. First poo got me out of bed at 5 am. It Just. Couldn't. Wait. But--good looking poo. A blob in a stalk. Second poo came about 3 hours later. Not as pooagenic, but still poo. Third poo came squirting out after lunch. Ugh. Sore ass. But hey, sometimes the colon takes no prisoners. 


Saturday, September 11, 2021

9 September: Thursday clarkjuggin.

So, dropped a big deuce on Thursday. A big, fat, brown loaf/log. Kind of rough textured and grumpy. Not a bad poo pic. They you go.


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

7 September: Tuesday globbsterfornk.

First post vacation home poo. Just a big pile 'o poo. Ooey and gooey and creamy and sleamy. Not a particularly pretty poo, but not the worst I've ever seen either. And a pretty good poo pic.


Monday, September 6, 2021

5 September: Sunday floozchubber.

So, this is the day we drive home from holiday. No bueno. But I still got the poo pic in the vacation toilet. Not spectacular, but hey, it's poo. Poo is poo. And this is the last of the vacation poo. And we go back to working from home poo. The poo just never stops.


Saturday, September 4, 2021

4 September: Saturday chortscluger.

So, I had a big chipotle chicken sandwich for lunch yesterday. And the sandwich had a lot of jalapenos on it. A LOT of jalapenos. And I paid for that in the back end. Yesterday I pooed for the second time at about 9 at night. And I could feel the jalapenos. They. Burned. And my poo this morning burned. Jalapenos--the food that keeps on giving. And makes you pay.


3 September: Friday oochglunker.

Heading toward the end of my vacation. This poo started as a loaf and ended up as a pile. Sort of a loaf. Not terribly exciting. But Thursday's poo made up for it. Don't like this poo? Go back to the day before. That will make up for it. 


2 September: Thursday plimperwurx.

Not a bad looking poo. If I do say so myself. Perfect, medium sized loaves. Middle loaf is bi-color. Very cool. Sometimes, you get winners. You're welcome.


1 September: Wednesday flummergorm.

Middle of the vacation week. Drinking a lot of beer and eating anything I want to eat. Kind of cute little poolets. Not exciting, but vacation poo is still poo. 


31 August: Tuesday chorpledrumd.

Second day of vacation. I'm eating more, and I'm pooing more. As long as I poo more and don't gain weight. I usually don't gain weight on vacation even though I eat and drink anything I want. Maybe my body just steps up an and poos out the extra calories. My colon never ceases to amaze me. And not a bad little poo pic. Cute little mini loaves. It's poo!


30 August: Monday holiday schportzglinkle.

I'm on holiday this week (known as vacation here in the US) so all this week's poo will be holiday poo. This is the first entry. You can tell this toilet is different from my home toilet. That's okay. It's a toilet, and it's still poo! 
