Saturday, April 30, 2022

25 April: Monday sumpcloober.

Started off the work week with a nice poo. Always a good way to start. Still working from home due to the pandemic. This pandemic never seems to end, does it? As far as I know, I haven't caught COVID yet. I'm wondering how it would affect my poo. Hopefully I'll never find out. I don't want to title one of my blog entries: "COVID poo."


24 April: Sunday spruntlejakst.

Nice big blorph of Saturday poo. Really cool poo. Orangish and globular. Nice, rich contrast. Ooey and gooey. This was a good one. 


Thursday, April 28, 2022

23 April: Saturday phlorphyunder.

Regular weekend day poo. Carbed up good the night before. Can you tell the difference between carbed-up poos and non carbed-up poos? Sometimes I think I can. Other times, it doesn't seem it makes a difference. Ah the questions we ponder when contemplating poo. 


22 April: Friday schloerterdrumph.

Kind of a pooey poo. A glumphy, gooey poo. Cute little floating poomphs. Very cute. 


21 April: Thursday chuntzboller.

A nice, big ol chunk of poo. This was a significant poo. And it came out of my ass. Many more poos to come. You're welcome.


20 April: Wednesday gorkblintzer.

Chunky gorkke of a poo. Not very exciting. What can I do? It's poo! 


Sunday, April 24, 2022

19 April: Tuesday chunklesflurm.

Put down a nice, big pile o' poo Tuesday. Need I say more? I think this poo speaks for itself!


Monday, April 18, 2022

18 April: Monday zorbglunter.

Woke this morning and shit another couple of bricks. Again, this was hard poo I had to push. It felt much more substantial coming out than it looks in the picture. Serious, serious poo. Man, the old bunghole had been getting a workout lately. Luckily, no blood. 

BTW, I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy mid-May. I will, of course, post the results in this blog after it happens. 


17 April: Sunday morginnist.

Woke up in Saturday and shit a couple of bricks. Hard poo. Really. These turds stretched and scratched the old bunghole. Luckily no blood. Turds like this last October caused blood in my stool (yes, you can go back to lay October and see the blood) three times in one week. Ugh. Sometimes poo is a pain in the ass.


Saturday, April 16, 2022

16 April: Saturday prinklejood.

This poo got me out of bed this morning. And I had to PUSH this bad boy out of my bunghole. Really push. And the couple of hat logs sank to the bottom. Would have been a much better poo pic if the turns had floated. Oh well. It's still poo. 


12 April: Tuesday chaplurping.

Not a spectacular poo. Poo chunks in a dark sauce. I almost didn't take the pic, but the big chunk on the left floated to the top. Lucky me. And you can see a red pepper I had from the previous day's salad. Always fun. 



This week my little poo blog went over 900K page views. All time  And I want to thank all of my readers. You are the reason I do it. Having said that, the number of daily page views has been going steadily down over the last couple of months. Last year I averaged 300 to 600 page views a day. Over the last couple of months it's averaged between 100 and 300 page views a day. And I have no idea why. I've been posting regularly, trying to give my fans what they want: poo.

Does anybody have any idea why my readership is declining?

11 April: Monday logplorcher

Started off the work week with a big, fat poo log. This was a substantial poo. Weird. Friday's poo was little poo squirts; this poo was a blocky chunk. Weird how the old colon works. 


10 April: Sunday chorpcoxal.

Very cool little poo loaves. They sank, but you can still get the details. Nice poo.


9 April: Saturday chumperbrole.

This was a nice poo. I thought it was pretty substantial as I was pushing it out of my bunghole. And it turns out it was. And bi-color poo at that. Always fun. 


8 April: Friday frugbuntle.

Very unsatisfying poo. I thought it was going to be a big load. I pushed and pushed and all I got was these little squirts. Grrr. Hey, it's still poo.


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

5 April: Tuesday yuggaboind.

So, a couple of notes about this poo: first, it came out looking darker in the pic. For done reason, that happens with some poos. The flash and contrast cause them to photograph dark. When the flash isn't on this poo was much lighter. It doesn't always happen, but sometimes, when the conditions are right ..🤔 

2) This poo was GUMMY! I had to wipe my ass 6 times, and I still don't think I got completely clean. Ugh. The turd felt harder coming out--I had to push it out, just after 12 noon. But it turns out it was of medium consistency. Which means a pain in the ass when wiping. Wiping and wiping and WIPING! The wiping never stops. I could STILL be in the bathroom, wiping my ass and tryn' to get clean.

And, that leads me to another conclusion: sometimes, when the poo is just the right consistency, it can ooze out, just a little bit over time, long after the act is done. That's happened to me before: I poo, wipe and wipe, take a shower (during which I always diligently wash my ass), and 2 hours later I have to wipe my ass again! After the shower. Don't get me wrong--there's nothing wrong with my sphincter. I am perfectly normal.. But sometimes, when the poo is just "so," it is possible to get some leakage. Does that ever happen to anybody else?


Monday, April 4, 2022

4 April: Monday florchbigner.

This poo woke me up this morning, about 5:30. It was still dark outside. I didn't turn the lights on because I wanted to go back to sleep after pooing. So this picture was taken in the dark. And you can tell. But a good picture of a very inconvenient poo. Good name for a movie..."An Inconvenient Poo." Sounds familiar...🤨🤔


Sunday, April 3, 2022

3 April: Sunday loobtrixby.

Drank a lot of vodka last night so I woke up late this morning. My poo didn't actually get me out of bed, but...I could feel it brewing when I got up. One cup of coffee and I was ready to poo. And this is a nice looking poo. Big, beefy logs. And this i had to push out... It didn't just slorp out the way they normally do. I didn't have to push hard, just a little. It's all good. And it's poo!


2 April: Saturday sloscpin.

Sat down for a nice poo on Saturday. Kind of a non-descript looking poo. Kind of chunky and clunky. Not very exciting. But it's still poo, so I'll take it.
