Sunday, October 31, 2021

31 October: Sunday jorbglunger.

Halloween poo! Didn't poo on Friday. Saturday's poo woke me up at 4:45. Not a good feeling. My stomach was upset and it wasn't a pleasant experience. It must have been the rum from the night before. No pic because I was in the dark (I wanted to go back to sleep after). 

Today's poo was a much more satisfying experience. As you can see, nice and solid. This was a serious load. I really felt it as it passed through my bunghole. Brown and chunky. This is a big boy's poo. You're welcome.


Thursday, October 28, 2021

28 October: Thursday glorpingphlud.

Regular poo Monday. Blorp soup Tuesday. No poo Wednesday. And a big pile of glorp today. Dark, sticky and gooey. Nice looking poo. 


Monday, October 25, 2021

25 October: Monday stoptgrunkle.

Starting off another work week, pooing at home. That's okay. I've always been kind of a homebody. I'm okay at home. And it IS easier than taking poo pics at work. If somebody is in the stall next to me at work, it's kind of hard to take a pic of my poo, because it's pretty obvious what I'm doing. And let's face it--taking pictures of your poo is pretty--weird. Which is why I write this blog in anonymity. 

This poo felt pretty solid and chunky coming out. And it turned out to be--solid and chunky. So there you go 


Sunday, October 24, 2021

24 October: Sunday sboplunchkin.

So, I crapped twice yesterday (Friday evening and Saturday are "cheat" times for me) which means I poo on Saturday. My poo today felt really massive coming out. I could feel the lumps and bumps. That turd felt like it was a yard long squirting out. But nope. Fairly standard poo. Not a log. Not a block. But still poo. 😁


23 October: Saturday sploinkchidder.

So, I didn't poo again Friday. That's good, because it means I'm maintaining low carb "status." I'm not in ketosis, because I'm still eating carbs. I'm just  eating "slow" carbs like beans. Beans have carbs that aren't absorbed as quickly into your bloodstream. Hence, no big insulin spike. The goal here is to lose weight. Secondary goal is to remain insulin sensitive, and to AVOID DIABETES. That's why I'm trying to limit carbs. Anyway, it's working. I lost 2.6 pounds as of over the week. 2.6 pounds!

Saturday's poo was SOLID. I had to push it out. Really. I had to push. Normally all I do is unkink my bunghole and the poo just falls out. I don't have to push. Well, low carb, for me, means SOLID poo. These are serious poo logs. Really. Really. I felt like I was crapping a tree branch. I keep doing this my asshole is going to have to toughen up. 


21 October: Thursday florbiecharb.

So, not pooing at much. This poo is glunky and gooey. And solid. And ended up as a coil. I'm on the fence in this poo: it should have ended up better than it did. This poo didn't quite reach it's potential. Oh well. Still lots more poo to come.


Friday, October 22, 2021

Low carb.

So, at the beginning of the week, I decided to try low carb again. I tried it briefly at the beginning of the year, and lost 10 pounds in two weeks. Yep, you read that right. 10 pounds in two weeks. And then I started cheating and eating more carbs. My weight loss stopped. But I didn't gain the weight back. I'm still down about 10 pounds.

Long time readers of this blog know that I first started a low carb diet was about the same time I started this blog--a little more than 10 years ago. Over the space of 6 months, I lost about 60 pounds. And it stayed off in the short term, for the most part. And then my weight slowly started creeping up. Before I knew it, over about 6 years, I'd gained back 40 pounds. Then the pandemic hit. And by winter last year, I was almost back up up my pre-carb diet weight--258 pounds. That's why I decided I needed to go low carb again. My weight was up, my blood pressure was up, and COVID is lethal to fat, older guys with hypertension.

So Monday I went low carb again. I need to lose the weight. And low carb works. But for me, it also seems to disrupt my normal poo cycle. I didn't poo Wednesday at all. And I don't think I'll poo today (Friday). 10 years ago I could go 3 days without crapping. I didn't feel any discomfort. I just wasn't pooing. (By the way, the low carb websites I checked said a glass of salt water will kick start a poo on a low carb diet. And it definitely does.)

So that's it. If you start to notice less poo--that's the reason. I'm gonna be low carb for a while. Likely that will mean less poo pics. But a man's gotta do what he's gotta do.

19 October: Tuesday shinztoodlung.

So, Tuesday I crapped a big, fat log. I like to say that all poo is different, and all poo (for the most part) is normal. But I will say, it's nice to crap out a big fat chork every once in a while. I'm not sure why--maybe because my poos are generally looser. Every once in a while, it's nice to see a big, brown chunk in the bowl. Nice looking poo. Good poo pic 


Thursday, October 21, 2021

18 October: Monday schfortlinggoosnt.

Still working from home. Still pooing at home. It's been more than a year and a half. There you go. Main difference? At home, my bathroom is 12 feet away. At work, it's a lot longer. So, I've become accustomed to waiting until the last second, because the bathroom is 4 steps away. Anyway, this is a cool poo. In the middle, it almost looks like pulled pork. 😁 Bet you won't look at pulled pork sandwich the same way. 


17 October: Sunday blunkchoider.

So, began the week with a big glork. Big, churgitty chunks. Good example for a poo that's mostly submerged, but a little tiny snippet is above the surface, and that's what I focused on. You can see it lower left, with the whiter color. Because I focused on that little tiny bit, you don't see the camera flash. Well, you can see a very faint "nimbus," but it's minimal. Poo picture taking 101.


Saturday, October 16, 2021

16 October: Saturday choldingstrimp.

Another big floating pile this morning. Just like Monday's poo. Haven't been eating a lot of beans lately and I haven't been gassy, so...who knows why this poo is floating. Some things I guess we'll never know. Not a lot else to say, so, I'll shut up 


15 October: Friday hoolpflunger.

So, perfectly browned, big, poofed, double strand poo loaf. A ploaf. Not a bad looking poo. As plops go. Some light spots at the top, maybe corn? I don't know, I can't remember what I ate the day before. And that was just Thursday. So, my memory is full of holes, but I'm still pooing up a storm. 


14 October: Thursday glopskajudney.

Another big, greasy, gooey bloop of poo. Most of it is dark green, soft and ooey. Gloppy and chloopy. The little loaflet upper left is bi-color. Always fun. There's a lot to unpack--have fun!


13 October: Wednesday sploogerfrumpt.

So this is a big mess of floppy poo. This would have sank if it hadn't landed on the ledge. Just a gunky and splunky pile 'o poo. Churgly and burgly. Ooey and gooey. Phlooey and grolky. I've said enough.


12 October: Tuesday chumpligney.

So, big raft of floating poo. My poo book days floaters are caused by gas. A result of that "fourth burrito." I didn't get a lot on Tuesday, so I'm not sure why my poos would have been gaseous. Oh well. Another poo mystery.


Monday, October 11, 2021

What's Your Poo Telling You?

I've posted about this book before. If you're interested in your own poo, this is the book for you. Lots of interesting tidbits about poo. And the first paragraph on the first page says what I've said many times on this blog: all poos are different. There you go.

11 October: Monday plordingstorp.

Had a poo today. Not a bad looking poo. Cute little loaflets and a darker, round ball of poo lower left. All in all, a good effort.


Sunday, October 10, 2021

10 October: Sunday flarshginks.

I pooed today after my first sip of coffee. Dropped my dollop and was surprised at the result. A smooth, brown, ropy coil. This is a nice looking poo and a really good poo pic. This is what I work for. This is what I strive for. This is why I keep up with the blog. You're welcome.


Saturday, October 9, 2021

9 October: Saturday plodgeyoiner.

This one felt pretty substantial as I squeezed it out of my bunghole. Unfortunately, a big chunk of the poo sank. So the poo pic isn't as good as it could have been. Some pretty solid floating chunks, but it could have been so much more. Oh well. 


8 October: Friday sporndlegompt.

Not an exciting poo pile. But you can see some corn that came in the salad I ate the previous day for lunch. Always fun. 


7 October: Thursday schloompstickie.

Kind of a soft, fluffy pile of poo. Little loaflets sticking out. Not the best, but not the worst. Hey, I'm take it!


6 October: Wednesday chunchfluffle.

Big, gooey blob of blork. Chunky and blunky. Harder in the left. Softer on the right. Kind of a bipolar poo. That's okay. Poo is poo. 


4 October: Monday churglebornt.

So, here we have a big, fat, long poo log. Very rare for me. Very rare. But a welcome surprise. My poos are generally much softer. Nice to drop a serious log. And I knew when I was squeezing this one out it was going to be a log.


3 October: Sunday glormphchuddle.

So, big fat Sunday poo. Deep, rich brown--and kind of globular. Interesting-- not my normal poo. But that's why poo is fun. Poo is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get!


Saturday, October 2, 2021

2 October: Saturday gormpthordner.

So, this poo didn't actually wake me up, but I felt the old rumblings when I was still in bed. I got up, sat down for a cup of coffee, and had to poo. And not a bad looking poo, if I do say so myself. I like the color--a nice, orangish brown. A rich color. The bubbles aren't optimal, but you still get a real sense of the poo. 


1 October: Friday splobkinsgurn.

So, the end of the work week. Nice looking, chunky little poo. Home poo. Poome. Hopoo. Nice color, nice form, nice little chunks. There you go. 


Friday, October 1, 2021

30 September: Thursday hrollspunched.

Kind of a big, goopy, glunchy florf of a poo. Gooey and bulbous lower left, stringy and glunchy upper right. This is a poo with an identity problem. But that's okay. You know why? Of course you do. Because it's still poo! And poo is fun! 


29 September: Wednesday schlumpuspord.

Middle of the week pile 'o poo. Just brown and glunchy. Not special, but still poo. 


28 September: Tuesday chalmpskinner.

Long poo log. And poo squiggle. A loggle. Or squog. The combinations are endless. And the fun is endless when coming up with new names for poo. Sometimes life is just fun!
