Tuesday, April 21, 2020

21 Apr: Tuesday torglegloam.

So, I woke up this morning at 3:30 with intestinal cramps. I've written about the before on this blog. 2-3 times a year intestinal cramps wake me up from a sound sleep. When they're really bad they can be painful. This morning it was just a feeling of pressure and discomfort. And the only way to get rid of the cramps if to have a bowel movement. And I did that. In the pitch black darkness. And I really had to struggle to push it out. I was really straining. And the poo below was the result. After all that struggle. A little bloop. Oh well. I rate this poo a 4.



  1. Did u spot red stuff in the poop ? I can see many spots of red ! What could it be ?

  2. haha this is the poop that happened on my bday
