Thursday, April 16, 2020

15 Apr: Wednesday yarbletorp.

Mid week, 4th week working from home. Still pooing. Still using baby wipes to clean up afterward. And then NOT flushing those wipes. I fold the wipes and put them in the trash. And then wash my hands. Word out everybody--don't flush your wipes! Even if the package says "flushable." Even flushable wipes will screw up your plumbing. Just don't do it. I rate this poo a 3 1/2.



  1. Would you ever consider doing videos so we can hear it coming out?

  2. You know, I did a short video when I first started this blog. But that was just video of the poo. I'm not sure how I'd do a video of the pool being pooed. I might be able to do an audio file and post to the blog. I'll have to figure that one out.
