Wednesday, January 19, 2022

18 January: Tuesday blompkinfruze.

This poo came about two hours after my shower. So I was fresh for about two hours. Then poo. Then, no longer fresh. Didn't matter how long I wipe. It whether I use wet naps.  I can never get completely clean after pooing. The only way to get fresh off to shower. That's it. Although, I have never used a bidet. That might do it. The poo was okay. Half sank, half floated. Poo didn't know quite what it wanted to be. Didn't really matter because I flushed it. That's what happens to poo.



  1. You have blood in it

    1. I don't see any blood in this poo, although I do occasionally see blood in my poo due to hemorrhoids. My doctor insists it's nothing to me worried about
