Saturday, February 22, 2020

21 Feb: Friday jomperflatz.

I dropped this load right AFTER I got out of the shower. After. Timing doesn't get much worse than that. I guess I could have jumped right back in to give my ass a quick wash, but I didn't have time. I was going to be late for my carpool. So the old bunghole got a wipe with a wetwipe and two more wipes with regular asswipes. And guess what? I got to work and STILL got that itchy feeling you get when you don't get a good wipe. *sigh* interesting little piolet, though. Kind of a curlique. Looks like a big, fat demented sperm. Ha! I rate this poo a 6 1/2.



  1. That is a nice crap. I would rate it a 10

    1. Thanks for the rating! I think you're the first to do so.
