Monday, February 10, 2020

10 Feb: Monday zaplunkin.

So, I was updating the blog, and I noticed that I didn't have a poo pic from Sunday. And I can't really remember taking a poo or getting a pic yesterday. Oh well. I guess I just didn't poo. That happens, but usually not on the weekend. Because I EAT on the weekend. I guess it's just a mystery. Today's poo was a serious log. This thing felt like it was sliding out of me for about 10 minutes. Good poo experience. Unfortunately, the pic is kind of dark. I tried filters and it didn't work. Oh well. But the poo is still good enough to rate a 7.



  1. Yes the poo is a boy it's easy to see!!! When the poo is the color #4155 it's a boy between 1000-3412 it's a girl, for boys it's 3413-5123! Hope I was able to help you :)!
