Saturday, October 19, 2019

19 Oct: Saturday glormpdootle.

So, didn't poo on Friday. I may have been all pooed out from my Thursday pooathon. I fast on Friday until 6 pm, so there was nothing incoming to spur my digestive system. I pooed twice this morning, the first one coming right after I woke up. It was harder than I'm used to and actually took some effort to get out. Second one came three hours later. Softer, but substantial. Is the Metemucil having an effect? I don't know, but I need the fiber so I'm going to keep doing it. 



  1. Your poo is normality or you have a disease? Why do you make photos?

    1. My poo is normal for me. I do not have a disease. As I've said multiple times in this blog, poo comes in all shapes and sizes. What's normal for me might not be normal for you. My message to you is that you're probably fine. You shouldn't necessarily be worried because your poo doesn't conform to what other people think is normal. If you're really concerned, see a doctor.

      I make (post) poo pics because poo is fun! And people seem to enjoy them!
