Monday, September 30, 2019

30 September: Google Blogger changes.

So, I got an email from Google. There's a change to their ad policy. You probably noticed that I have ads on my blog. And you've probably ignored them, just like I do when I'm reading a blog. Well, Google has decided to restrict advertising on blogs that are considered "extreme." Blogs with sexual, or graphic content. And they consider human feces graphic. So, I assume that most, if not all of the ads would be pulled from my blog.

I get it. I can see why some advertisers wouldn't agree with their ads on my blog. So, you might see many fewer ads on my blog going forward. Whatever. It doesn't really matter to me. I did the math: my blog earns about 35¢ a month from ad revenue. That ain't payin' the mortgage. That's okay. I was never in this for money. I'm in it to share my poo with people who want to see it. And that's a very niche audience. And that's okay. Poo is poo. I just wanted to give my readers some context when it came to the ads on my blog.

As always, eNjoy.

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