Saturday, August 29, 2015

29 Aug: Saturday glumpus.

I feasted last night...and drank beer. And that always makes for a good poo!


Friday, August 28, 2015

28 Aug: Friday splergle.

So I pooed this morning, as usual. That's my, poo. It works for me. I can then shower and go to work fresh. Today I showered at work, after my workout. Prefect morning, poo, workout, shower, fresh!


Thursday, August 27, 2015

27 Aug: Thursday thrunkle.

I pooed this morning JUST before I showered. Which means I wiped and went right into the shower stall. I didn't wash my hands! My wife later reminded me that she had to touch the stall handle later. And I hadn't washed my hands. Then I felt a little....bad. Oh well.


26 Aug: Wednesday gorgle.

Nice close up of my morning log. Had a lot of texture...almost looked like sprouted grain bread.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

25 Aug: Tuesday glunkle.

Standard routine this morning: wake up, coffee, crap, shower, and fresh to work.


24 Aug: Monday spraunfle.

So I got up this morning and had a cup of coffee. Then I crapped! THEN I went to work, worked out and showered. Always a good thing.


Sunday, August 23, 2015

23 Aug: Sunday glunch.

I didn't crap yesterday, which is weird because I carbed it up pretty good Friday night. So usually a big turd on Saturday is normal. But it didn't happen. So this is a two day load.


Saturday, August 22, 2015

21 Aug: Friday quergle.

Friday: woke up, went to work, pooed, worked out, showed. Fresh! Not a bad little glorgle either. Took several pictures, from several angles, to get the best view.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

20 Aug: Thursday thrangle.

Pooed today before I took my shower....and went to work fresh. Nice poo.


19 Aug: Wednesday winklets.

Another nice little splorble; and again, pooed at work. :(  I've been unfresh a lot lately.


18 Aug: Tuesday florklets.

Nice glorble here. But I pooed after I got to work. Never good.


Monday, August 17, 2015

17 Aug: Monday splorvle.

After a weekend of carbing it up pretty good, a nice gooey Monday poo.


Sunday, August 16, 2015

16 Aug: Sunday big, hit, steaming pile o' poo

Ate pizza and drank beer last night. Donuts and a magnum ice cream bar fur dessert. And got a great big poo this morning!


Saturday, August 15, 2015

15 Aug: Saturday glormple

I feasted last night....and drank beer. Two beers in fact. And some vodka tonics. And crab cakes. And krispy kreme donuts.  And the poo below is the result. Behold its magnificence.


14 Aug: Friday scrumple

Fasting today, but still had enough in the tubes fur a nice poo. Unfortunately it happened at work, so, not fresh. Ah well....can't always poo ahead of a shower.


Friday, August 14, 2015

13 Aug: Thursday phlonkle.

So...I didn't crap Wednesday--I've been staying pretty low carb this week. And low carb means less poo. I'm not constipated, I just don't poo as much when I'm taking in less carbs. Wednesday was poo-less. So I know today would be a big day for poo. And I wasn't disappointed.

I go out to lunch, and as I'm driving home from lunch, I feel the old familiar, intestinal rumblings. I get back to the office, settle myself in the restroom, and enjoy a nice crap. And below is the result. Long and sleek; dark and green. A very nicely formed poo. If I do say so myself.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

11 Aug: Tuesday chlirgle.

Atypical pre workout, pre shower poo. Had salmon and brusselsprouts for dinner last night. This glork is, clearly, solid and in one piece. Maybe the fish protein? Who knows.


Monday, August 10, 2015

10 Aug: Monday glormph.

Not a lot happened yesterday.....standard fare fit lunch and dinner. Enjoyed a nice Riesling with dinner. Poo this morning cans right before my shower and shave...always good timing.


Sunday, August 9, 2015

9 Aug: Sunday slurple.

So, Sunday morning glimphle. I drank a lot of beer yesterday. Beer poolets.


8 Aug: Saturday flufflets.

Standard, post cheat evening beer and pizza flufflets. Funny how the camera on my phone divides a single image to darker and lighter.

Funny thing happened later in the day. I ate at Taco Bell later today and had what you can only get at Taco Bell....Mountain Dew Baja Blast (the MD website says you can get it out cans fur a "limited time", but I've never seen it in the supermarket). I also had a huge grilled "stuft" burrito. Very satisfying. But even though I had a nice poo earlier in the morning,  a large meal and a fountain drink turns my intestines to goo.

So there am, stuck in traffic, and I had to poo. That ever happen to you? (Post in comments if you have a good "stuck in traffic and have to poo" story.) And then I REALLY had to poo. It was turning into an emergency situation. I finally turned into a Burger King, and hopped to the bathroom. And somebody was in the stall! I briefly considered crapping in the sink, but that would have been bad form. The dude finally comes out, I go in, drop trou and let loose. I BARELY made it. Thanks, MD Baja Blast.


7 Aug: Friday fruldge.

So, I didn't shower before going to work. Worked out at the gym at work, THEN had a nice poo, and THEN had a nice shower. It all worked out very nicely thank you


Thursday, August 6, 2015

6 Aug: Thursday thrumple.

So, I had a cup of coffee when I first got up...But as I went to go take a shower, I wasn't feeling the familiar, intestinal rumblings. Not good. Always, ALWAYS better to poo before you shower.

But as I was brushing my teeth, I started to feel the rumblings. So I turned, the shower on and day on the toilet, hoping for the best. I got done little squirt nuggets. Not huge, but hopefully enough to get me through the day.


5 Aug: Wednesday wadgle.

Another pretty ordinary mid week poo. They've been half way between hard and soft lately. What can you do?


4 Aug: Tuesday trulge.

Standard mid week poo. For the last couple of weeks, I've been pooing right after my first cup of coffee in the nothing. Pooing before showering is always a good thing.


Monday, August 3, 2015

3 Aug: Monday mulge.

So, it's Monday. I had to poo quickly (long story). And this poo took a long time....seemed like it went on forever. I had to work at it, squeezing it out of my ass. The poo below is the result.

The two pics are of the same poo. Interesting how just moving the camera a tiny bit can change the way the poo looks. The light looks completely different.


Sunday, August 2, 2015

2 Aug: Sunday slungle.

So, drank a lot of beer last night. And ate pizza. A lot of pizza. And had a nice poo this morning. Beer and pizza poo.


Saturday, August 1, 2015

1 Aug: Saturday sklarple.

Feasted last night on beer and meatballs! And this morning I was rewarded with a glorious, post feast poo!
