Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday 💩 meme.

I keep this blog apolitical, but when I saw this I couldn't resist.

12 October: Saturday chubglumpkin.

Had to poo about an hour after I woke up. Wasn't urgent, but definitely let me know it was time to poo. Not a super exciting poo, but still poo. Just a little dollop of poo. A pollop. There you go ..I just made up a new word! You're welcome. 


11 October: Friday frimpfluffle.

Had the day off and went out to eat at a restaurant with friends. Finished the meal and got those fabulous stirrings. I decided to poo at the restaurant vice trying to make to poo at home. I'm glad I did--that would have been a very uncomfortable ride home. You can tell this is not a home poo because of the lightning. I'm glad I went to the restroom when I did because when I left the stall people were waiting to shit. All in all, a successful bathroom foray. 


10 October: Thursday plumperbrinx.

Another cock shaped poo. Big, rich, brown/orange blumpet. Another good poo pic. A couple of real winners in a row. Poo never ceases to amaze. 


9 October: Wednesday klopgruncher.

Didn't poo Tuesday so this is a two day load. Big load. Big fat rich brown load. Looks almost like a cock and balls. Good poo pic. 


7 October: Monday plobbinblook.

Starting off the work week with a nice home poo. Came after lunch and just a pile of poo. Meh--kind of a soft pile of gloog. Not exciting, but still poo. 


6 October: Sunday pumpkinskeed.

Just a pile of Sunday plorp. Ooey and gooey. Not spectacular, but not a bad looking poo pic. 


Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunday poo meme.

5 October: Saturday double judneysploom.

I crapped FOUR TIMES Saturday. Ugh. First time felt much more substantial than it looks, mostly because it was dense and sank. Second poo came 45 minutes later and was much beefier. I crapped  two more times, but they were mostly liquid. I don't know why my body does that--decides that it must immediately expel anything in my colon. It's like everything in my gut turns to liquid and must leak out. The fourth poo came while I was on my daily walk and I almost didn't make it. Almost. I was clenching pretty tightly those last 50 feet. But I made it. Barely. Poo can drive a person crazy. 


4 October: Friday plumptingdratch.

Hadn't pooed since Tuesday so this is a 3 day load. Big, fat, lumpy load. Dark green and glorpy. This was a load. Here's to poo! It Just. Never. Stops. 


Thursday, October 3, 2024

1 October: Tuesday choolgrimpet.

Dropped this doll up after lunch. And what a poo it was. This felt like a whopper when I squeezed it out of my bunghole. Big, long log. Good looking poo. Bi-colored--always fun. This one has a lot going for it. This one's a winner. 


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

30 September: Monday plinchentblurm.

I had Monday off, but I still had to poo. The poo just never stops. Even if you stop eating, you don't stop pooing. Poo is more than just undigested food. It's anything the body doesn't want or need. This is not a bad looking poo. Went out to eat for lunch, had Italian food, had lasagna. Delicious. Was shopping later, and thought I had to poo. But it was just a fart. That's the way it goes. 
