Monday, August 12, 2024

Bad news.

Yesterday this blog got a grand total of 40 page views. Blog traffic has been way down over the last couple of months. But 40 views? That's unsat. That's not worth it. Not worth the effort. If traffic doesn't increase, I might just discontinue the blog. Just sayin'.


  1. Pls discontinue the blog. The blog is inappropriate.

    1. Is it really? In that case, I think I will continue the blog...

    2. Thank you again for that anonymous comment. I have been inappropriate my whole life and it's good to know I'm still hitting that target. I will continue this blog well into the future. And your comment gave me just the right impetus to do so

    3. It’s best to shut down the blog because it will affect your future and others will report you to an authority. You could possibly go to jail for posting these inappropriate pics.

    4. Ha ha! Thanks for your concern. But I'm pretty sure there's nothing illegal about posting poo pics. And I'm pretty much past the point where I'm concerned about what people think of me.

    5. Others will think you are a weird person and you could potentially lose your job at the office if they find out you have this inappropriate blog. Anyone could potentially search for your name and find out that you have these inappropriate pics. It is definitely illegal to post these inappropriate pics and others will think that you are not ethical.

    6. I really don't care if people think I'm weird. And I assure you my job is safe. Please let me know what law I might be breaking. I'm pretty sure if this was illegal, Google would have taken the blog down.
