Saturday, August 31, 2024

31 August: Saturday double dump load.

Didn't poo Thursday or Friday. So, these are 3 day loads. First poo was a hard stool and I had to push it out. Felt a lot bigger coming out than it looks in the pic.. Hard stool, sank right to the bottom. Almost didn't have to wipe. Very clean. Second ploop came after lunch and it's a, well, a ploop. Dropped it in the upstairs bathroom as my regular bathroom was occupied. Ahhh well. 


28 August: Wednesday grumbychwelling.

I was in the office Wednesday but this isn't work poo.  Dropped this big loaf poo late in the evening before bed. Nice looking poo and really good poo pic. This is what I work for, strain for. This is worth the toil. You're welcome. 


27 August: Thursday splurfoigle.

Tuesday plop of poo. Came after lunch. Not exciting. Just a hot mess of a poo pile. Nothing to write home about, but still poo. 


Monday, August 26, 2024

26 August: Monday hopklinspoinster

Back home, crapping in my regular toilet. The beach was nice, but it's good to be home. It's good to be crapping in my home toilet. This came after lunch. Started as bullip and finished as a plop. Went to see a movie, ate a LOT of popcorn, and almost shit my pants on the way home. It was very close. Had to shit again before bed--completely liquid. Something bothered my system. Hope I didn't shit the bed tonight. 


25 August: Sunday smorkelplurd.

Last of the beach poos. Had to check out of the condo at 10, dropped this about two hours before I left. Multi-colored poo, always fun. Good looking poo pic. I still wish I was at the beach. Going home and the poo pics will continue. 


24 August: Saturday groinderchood.

Last full day at the beach--last day full day of holiday. Bi-colored poo...always fun. 


22 August: double Thursday chorbluntner.

Still at the beach, still pooing. Second poo came at 9:30 at night. First poo: sticky. Second poo: plopper. It's all poo, all good. 


21 August: Wednesday ploobgrunder.

Big fat loaf of poo. Beach poo loaf. Good poo pic. Lightning isn't perfect, but it's good enough.


20 August: Tuesday horphluffle.

Didn't poo Monday. First holiday poo. In a condo, at the beach. Beach poo! 


Sunday, August 18, 2024

18 August: Sunday sploibblejoinder.

Dropped a poo  this morning after my egg cup. Pretty good poo pic. Will be going on holiday today so the next week of poo will be in strange bathrooms. So hold on.... It's going to be a bumpy ride. 


17 August: Saturday horchlespymin.

Dropped a blobber of a poo on Saturday. Came after a lunch of Chick-fil-A nuggets. And it came fast. Nice little blurble of a poo. There you go. 


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Saturday poo meme.

16 August: Friday phlumphgorby.

Another ploop of plorp. Soft poo and the tp came back bloody. Not fun. And more blood in the bowl after wiping.  Pretty sure it's hemorrhoids.... Fingers crossed. It's never fun to see blood coming out of your bunghole. 


15 August: Thursday blioperchard.

Blooped out a poo Thursday. Just a bloop and a sporl. Not an exciting poo pic. But still poo. And poo, as we know, is poo. 


Wednesday poo meme.

This is how I felt Wednesday. After my first poo, I had lunch at Bob Evan's. Had a huge breakfast and was driving home and I had to poo. Them I really had to poo. Then I looked like the guy above--it was a race to get home before I shit my pants. And I made it... Just barely. 

14 August: Wednesday flopchuter.

Didn't poo Monday or Tuesday but this sure doesn't look like a 3 day load. And this one took some pushing. A lot of pushing. Felt more substantial than it looks. Good poo pic though. 


Monday, August 12, 2024

Bad news.

Yesterday this blog got a grand total of 40 page views. Blog traffic has been way down over the last couple of months. But 40 views? That's unsat. That's not worth it. Not worth the effort. If traffic doesn't increase, I might just discontinue the blog. Just sayin'.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

11 August: Sunday humplunting.

Watching the USA and France woman's gold medal basketball game and I had to poo. I pooed twice yesterday, but I are a lot as well hence, the poo today. The body and gut never stop churning. It's an okay poo pic. Not exciting. But still poo 


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturday 💩 meme.

10 August: Saturday warblinghorter.

Mid-morning end of week poo. Another poo that snuck up on me. Luckily I was home, and the bathroom was 10 feet away. Beefy and meaty poo. Really good poo pic. I knew this was going to be a substantial poo as I was queefing it out of my bunghole. 


9 August: Friday schpommeltroip.

Didn't poo Thursday, so this is a two day load. And this one was an ass-ripper. I really, REALLY had to push. Lucky I didn't stroke out and end up Elvising out on the floor. Solid poo log, and a pretty good poo pic. 


7 August: Wednesday perkinchumby.

Rare work poo. Snuck up on me an hour before I left work. Couldn't get the right angle because I forgot to block the sensor, so I had to take a quick pic. And this one snuck up on me--one minute I didn't have to poo, the next minute I'm crab-walking to the restroom, trying to avoid crapping my pants. Bad lightning, not an exciting poo pic. Thumbs down. 


6 August: Tuesday sportlehoompy.

Mid morning multi-loaf. Different colors... Kind of cool. I like. 


5 August: Monday plorkemstramp.

Started off as plug, ended as a splorch. Not a bad poo pic. There you go.


Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday poo meme.

4 August: Sunday dump load.

This was a load. I knew it when I was squeezing it out of my bunghole. I knew it was going to be a lot of poo. And I was right. I didn't know if I'd poo at all today because I dropped two substantial loads yesterday. I shouldn't have worried. And a fairly excellent poo pic. You're welcome. 


Saturday, August 3, 2024

Saturday poo meme.

3 August: Saturday droomelplood.

Didn't poo Friday, so this is a two day load. I always say poo is poo, but there's something very satisfying about dropping a big, fat log. And this is that. Log time! Great looking poo. 


1 August: Thursday double spinklechlood.

Dropped two ploods Thursday. First was a solid log, second was a flarp. Ooey and gooey. And plorpy. Hey, it's poo!


31 July: Wednesday hypengloiner.

Didn't poo Monday or Tuesday, so this is a 3 day load. And it's a work poo. I was in the office, and I didn't want to poo at work because the pictures aren't as good. But this poo wouldn't be denied. And it came about an hour before I went home. Work poo! And I took the picture at an oblique angle, so I didn't get the same fluorescent light glare. Not bad. Not good, but not bad. 


28 July: Sunday horpusjimby.

Dropped this blottle late in the evening, just before bed. Kind of glorgy, right? Soft and sloppy. Evening poo. Better than pooing in the bed. 
