Saturday, July 27, 2024

27 July: second Saturday florcastrephloid.

Had a huge spicy chicken sandwich and fries for lunch and dropped this second dollop about an hour after eating. Ass wasn't too sore. Not a bad poo pic 


Saturday poo meme.

27 July: Saturday choobleflorkin.

Didn't poo Friday, so this was a load. Didn't feel like that big a load coming out (but it did need some encouragement at first). Good poo pic. You can see some corn I ate for dinner two days before. Corn poo--always fun. 


25 July: Thursday choldquibny.

Second Thursday poo. Came after lunch. Very solid log .. Most second poos are soft. Not a bad looking poo log. Substantial. Can't ask for much more in a second poo. Interesting texture--not sure what the yellow bits are. 🤷


Thursday, July 25, 2024

25 July: Thursday choltgummny.

This poo woke me up at 3 am this morning. I was dreaming I was driving, stopped at a red light, and I was trying to push out a poo. So, trying to shit my pants? Like a lotta of dreams, it didn't make sense. I woke up and had to poo. So I pooed. When you gotta go, you gotta go. Pooed in the dark, in the second floor guest bathroom. I'm the dark, because I wanted to go back to sleep. Picture taken with a flash. Not a bad picture, considering the circumstances.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

23 July: Tuesday schpobblegrod.

Just a splorble of poo. A pile of plobble. An ooey, gooey glumpile of gorb. Very wet and splurby. 


Monday, July 22, 2024

22 July: Monday morchglyper.

Started the with week with a good poo. Poo Monday. So, I've been back on Wegovy for almost a month, an I'm definitely pooing up a storm. Pooing daily, sometimes twice a day. I guess my body has adjusted. No more 4 day poo droughts on Wegovy. There you go.. And not a bad looking poo. 


Sunday, July 21, 2024

21 July: Sunday brankensphittum.

So, this poo came about 3 sips into my first cup of coffee. Nice looking poo. Deep, rich, reddish brown. Good poo pic. Yep, this one is a winner.


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Saturday poo meme

20 July: Saturday plerdkiorper.

This is another big, fat load. I really had to massage this out of my bunghole. Squeeze it out. Work it out. I didn't really have to push--but this was a couple of seconds in its birthing. Another really good poo pic. There you go!


19 July: Friday florperspune.

This was a LOAD. Big, fat, solid greenish log. Really good poo pic. Looks like you can see some residual corn bits. Maybe? Regardless, this poo pic is a winner. 


18 July: Thursday glumptyjenis.

This poo came first thing in the morning--5:30 am. Good thing, because I took a shower right after.. Always poo before showering so you can wash your ass and be fresh. That's my advice. You're welcome. 


17 July: Wednesday speeminkjord.

Rare work poo. You can tell by the lousy lighting. Stupid work poo. Too bad because I had corn on the cob the night before and you just can't see it because of the bad light. Meh. You get the good, the bad and the ugly. 


16 July: Tuesday glompchurdy.

Just a dollop of poo. Had corn on the cob the night before and I was going for more of a showing. You can see some corn, but not a lot. I guess some corn is better than none.


15 July: Monday gorchleyshpim.

Dropped this little prollop about an hour and a half waking. Some interesting colors in this poo. It really is multi-colored. Cool! 


Sunday, July 14, 2024

14 July: Sunday spilchinggroiner.

Starting off the week with a poo! Came about 30 minutes after waking. Not a bad looking poo. Didn't have to push like I did yesterday's first poo, which was a real ass buster. Got a good wipe, ready to start the day!


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday poo meme.

Poo pooing.

13 July: Saturday double spinchinggloof.

Didn't poo Friday. This poo made it itself known pretty soon after waking. This one took some pushing. This one took a LOT of pushing. I mean I had to HEAVE. Lucky I didn't end up with a brain bleed. Hard poo. Was hoping it would be bigger. Meh--it's still poo. Second blorper came mid-afternoon. But a bad looking poo considering it's a second poo. Second poos are usually very loose. It was definitely looser than the first poo. 


11 July: Thursday grijumpling.

Home poo plop. Plop of poo. Cool little poo plorp. Not sure what the the light colored splittle isbin the center of the pic. As I've said many times, poo comes in all shapes and sizes. 


10 July: Wednesday hoovelfloffer.

Rare work poo. At the office on Wednesday and had to poo about 30 minutes before leaving. You can tell it's work poo because of the shitty lighting. There you go 


9 July: Tuesday plorgancreeb.

Regular mid-week poo. Came a couple of hours after waking. Not a bad poo. Kind of glorgy. Good word for poo. 


Monday, July 8, 2024

8 July: Monday horplunchster.

I'm back at home and this is the load I was trying to drop yesterday, but the poo just wasn't there. This was a big load, and a really good poo pic. Home poo, big poo, good poo. It's all poo in the end. 


7 July: Sunday plookenjumpty.

On a mini-holiday, staying in an Airbnb, at this is Airbnb poo. I hacked this out, just before a shower and checking out. I wanted to drop the big load BEFORE my shower because it's always better to shit before you shower. And these little poolets were the result. Not very satisfying. But, it's still poo. 


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday poo meme.

6 July: second Saturday chunkpuster.

Dropped this second poo pile just before noon. Good thing, cause I'm taking a road trip... Didn't want to have to poo on the road. Just a splop of plorp. Can't beat it, right? There! 


Saturday, July 6, 2024

6 July: Saturday vinkfrumpter.

Dropped this little plorp about two hours after waking. Really good poo pic. I compare this pic with the pics I first started taking for this blog in 2011. Night and day. There's another poo blog called "I Poo Daily," which stopped posting new content in 2011. Pics are awful. Amazing how much smart phone tech has come since 2011. 


Friday, July 5, 2024

5 July: Friday phlackleweentz.

Day after the fourth of July. I thought I might eat corn in the cob yesterday, but, no. So, no corn poo today. Sorry kids. This poo came about 20 minutes after waking. As always, I start drinking coffee, and the poo follows shortly. Not a bad looking poo--brown and chunky. So, okay. There you go. 


Thursday, July 4, 2024

4 July: Thursday chomgibbler.

It's fourth of July poo. July 4th is when Americans celebrate their independence from Britain. Big day for Americans. I started the celebration with a nice poo. A glorp of poo. Felt good sliding out out of my bunghole. Good way to start the day. 


3 July: Wednesday hypegobule.

Kind of an orky floof of poo. Soft and gooey. Dropped it after lunch, so it had plenty of time to "mature." But but a particularly mature poo. What is mature poo? Thoughts? 


2 July: Tuesday flinchlychirb.

This plosh got me out of bed with intestinal cramps--not fun. And not a very good poo for all of that discomfort. Sometimes the poo will disappoint. Hey--it's poo. 


1 July: Monday plorpyszomper.

Back home using my regular old toilet. This bobber was kind of "globular" looking. Strange,  dark bloop of ploo bottom right. Cool looking. Interesting poo. Poo never fails to disappoint. 


29 June: Saturday klimpetsplime.

Traveling, so this is hotel poo. Bi-colored poo with a blob and a handle. Kind of cool looking poo. I need to shit in hotels but often 


28 June: Friday horlapguncher.

Day before traveling out of state. Dropped this lonely little dollop in the morning. Not an exciting poo. But still poo.
