Monday, July 31, 2023

30 July: Sunday chubblegourd.

Just a big, sloppy blorp of poo to start off the week. And this poo waited until after lunch. Not sure why. Sometimes the poo has a mind of its own ... Hey, it's poo!


Saturday, July 29, 2023

Saturday poo meme.

29 July: Saturday thribblebjirk.

Didn't poo yesterday. So this is a two day load and it is a serious dumpload of poo. And I had to push this poo load out. Seriously. Usually all I have to do is unflex my bunghole and the poo comes sliding out. But this load required pushing. And you can see corn from lunch Wednesday. Corn poo is always fun. This dumper just gives and gives. 


27 July: Thursday glinkenjorter.

Didn't poo Wednesday--another poo less office work day. This is a two day load. Not a big load, though. Sort of a profile of poo. It kind of grows on you though. Curls around itself. Ultimately, it works! It's poo! 


25 July: Tuesday plorchgumby.

Tuesday poo, sort of a splort and a squatch. Not an impressive poo, but a still poo. Cause you know...poo is poo. And this is a poo blog. 

I got an email from Google saying that my adsense account might be curtailed because of the "extreme" content contained in my account. Ha. The ads in my account make me about $1.50 a month. It ain't paying my rent. And what am I supposed to do? Delete all of the poo pics? That wouldn't make sense, would it? This is a poo blog. So I guess you'll just have to put up with less ads in my blog. You're welcome.


24 Monday: blooberfusting.

Monday flortle. I don't think I pooed Sunday, so this should be a two day load. Kind of a meh poo pic. But it's still poo, right? Poo is poo. 


Saturday, July 22, 2023

Saturday poo meme.

22 July: Saturday double jymmerstromp.

Didn't poo Thursday or Friday. I felt like I might poo Friday, but it passed. Today's poo was hard and needed some pushing to get out. After all of that pushing, this little loglet was all that was there. And it sank to bottom of the tank. All in all, a very satisfying poo. Second poo was was a splobber after a Jimmy John's sub for lunch.


19 July: Wednesday double jumpkindrees.

So, didn't poo Tuesday. But, we finally got a work poo pic. It's been at least a month and a half. Like all of my work poo pics, it isn't spectacular. The lighting is shit, but I did end up with nice little log. Pooed again later afternoon. It was a dollup of poo. A blorp of poo. Not bad for a second poo pic. 


17 July: Monday halgestormer.

Monday poo. Not an impressive poo, and not a good poo pic. But, what do I always say? They can't all be winners.


16 July: Sunday glumptycorzd.

Big, fat pile 'o poo. Good poo pic, and a nice way to start the week. There you go. 


Sunday, July 16, 2023

15 July: Saturday plookinkhorst.

So, didn't poo Thursday or Friday. Ate corn on the cob Thursday evening and you definitely see it in Saturday's three-day load. Big load. Corn poo. Always fun. It's poo!


12 July: Wednesday chorplebloond.

So, I haven't crapped on Wednesday in a while. I got in my car Wednesday morning to go into the office and got a pretty sharp intestinal cramp. I got on the main road by my house and three minutes later I got another cramp. Those were pretty close together. It's about a 35 minute drive to work. I decided I wouldn't be able to make it to work so I turned around and went back home. And I squirted out this little doodle. No more cramps. Went to work after that. So this is a home poo. 


11 July: Tuesday drifindpleen.

Working from home. This plorp came a little later in the morning then the poos normally come. But that's okay. Sometimes the poos take a little longer to brew. But always worth the wait. This is kind of cool poo. I'd describe it as dark and globular. How would you describe it?


10 July: Monday horfploodle.

Dropped a big load to start off the work week. Started off as a little log, ended up in a big plop. Always something new with poo. 



9 July: Sunday blobbinphelp.

Sat down for a nice poo Sunday and poo I did. There you go. Poo is poo. 


Saturday, July 8, 2023

Saturday poo meme.

8 July: Saturday plomkintorpy.

Woke up Thursday and I had to poo but I waited, and then it passed. Didn't poo Thursday or Friday. So this is a three day load. And it was a hard poo log. I had to push this one out. Dark. A little different. But that's poo--you never know what to expect. It's always a surprise. 


5 July: Wednesday sploddlecorvit.

Took the day off, so this is home poo. First Wednesday poo in a while. Unremarkable. But that's poo. Feast or famine. This one of kind of plump and creamy. So it has something going for it. 👍👍


4 July: Independence Day phlorgingzorp.

Dropped a fourth of July doot mid morning. Kind of--blah. Not very exciting. But, it's poo. Just a flobber of poo. 


Monday, July 3, 2023

3 July: Monday parquetjulip.

Taking the day off today, turning the weekend into a 4 day weekend. Gotta love it. Eating more than I should on this holiday weekend, so the poos are proving to be pretty beefy. Today was no exception. This poo was beefy. And this is a good poo pic. 

Oh, and traffic to this blog had been way up over the last couple of days. I have no idea why, but, thanks!


Sunday, July 2, 2023

2 July: Sunday horblezoncted.

Woke up this morning and immediately dropped this plorp. Pretty significant poo log. I had a big, fat chicken cheesesteak sandwich yesterday so I think that helped. Lots of carbs usually equals good poo pics. Today was no exception. They was a lot of wiping involved, but it was worth it. 


Sunday poo meme.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

1 July: Saturday chulibroan.

Fat pile 'o weekend poo. This one I had to work out of my bunghole--sort of squeeze it out. Didn't so much push it out as squeezed out. Felt like a load coming out. Almost stayed together as a solid log but it was a little too soft for that. Still, not a bad pile 'o poo. 
