Thursday, March 30, 2023

30 March: Thursday double florchumpit.

Didn't poo Tuesday or Wednesday. Just. Didn't. Poo. It happens. Sometimes the poo takes a while to--brew. To take form. Sometimes the poo is a little shy. That all changed this morning. Two sips into my coffee, I had to poo. And poo I did. Big, fat turd log. Big knobby poo. Nice looking poo. 5 hours later, I had to poo again. Second poo wasn't as impressive as the first, but not bad for a second poo. Two day load, unloaded. All in all, a pretty good poo day. 

Monday, March 27, 2023

27 March: Monday globsterploind.

The rumblings started before I got out of bed. The familiar rumblings. My alarm went off, I took a piss and went downstairs and made coffee. Then I had to poo. And poo I did. A globster poo. That's the word that came to me when I saw it. A globster 


Sunday, March 26, 2023

26 March: Sunday plopplechoind.

I didn't even get a chance to do my first morning coffee when this poo made itself known. Had to poo. Had to poo bad. So I pooed. Not a bad poo. Kind of a sclobby poo. Can you see last night's nachos?


Saturday, March 25, 2023

25 March: Saturday horphliffle.

Pooed Friday but it was mostly liquid. Poo soup. Not exciting. Didn't poo today until after noon, but before eating lunch. Kind of a poo splortle. Better formed, lighter in color. It is poo, and then it's poo again. There you go. Poo. It's what goes down. Phlockle. 


23 March: Thursday plahurmpty.

Didn't poo on Wednesday--possibly because I started on a regimen of Prednisolone on Wednesday. I won't say exactly what the problem is other than to say it involves pain and inflammation. Pooed late Thursday evening, after dinner. Not a bad looking poo, but still pooing soft. That's my lot for now. Please--pray for my poo.


21 March: Tuesday pluminyschitz.

Another gloober. Just a ploober plop. A plopper sized glorp. You can see black speckles in the middle. Any idea what that is? 


20 March: Monday flohrentgminge

Start of the work week poo. Kind of, glumpy, I guess? Your guess? Plumpy? It's poo, so, whatever.


Sunday, March 19, 2023

19 March: Sunday plunchporner.

Started the week off with a nice poo. Which is how I start off most weeks. Not a bad looking poo. Feasted on carbs yesterday, hence the better looking poo. Traffic on this blog is down a bit. But sure why. Unexciting poos, perhaps? Any ideas from my readers? Anything you'd like to see? Make a comment or send me an email. I answer all emails. I always like to hear from my readers. 


Saturday, March 18, 2023

18 March: Saturday glooperstormp.

Pile 'o Saturday poo. Another pile. The piles never stop. Dropped another bloot 30 minutes later. But exciting, but it's poo. There you go. 


17 March: Friday stompingflurd.

Pile 'o Friday poo. Yet another pile. Lots of piles lately. Sometimes I yearn for the big, fat solid log. Yearning for poo. But, my poo is my poo. Poo is poo. 


16 March: Thursday joozglunching.

Thursday pile 'o poo. Another pile. A lot of piles lately. Maybe I need more fiber in my diet? Maybe less alcohol. I think I might change up my diet.


15 March: Wednesday harplesmird.

Big, DARK pile of poo. Happened just before I got into the shower. So I could poo, wipe and jump right into the shower. Didn't have to wash my hands! Always fun. Hey, I get my fun where I can. Simple life 


13 March: Monday horflorter.

Monday pile of poo. Not much else to say. Pretty standard for the last couple of weeks. Can you spot the pepper?


Sunday, March 12, 2023

12 March: Sunday pleepenchoint.

So, I crapped 4 times yesterday. 4 times. My bunghole was a-burnin'. I wasn't sure I'd crap at all today. I shouldn't have had a doubt. I woke up a little late this morning--time change, along with drinking last night--started in my first cup of coffee, and let off a long fart. And I knew I'd have to poo. 5 minutes later I pooed. There you go. The poo is relentless. The poo just never stops.


Saturday, March 11, 2023

Saturday poo meme.

11 March: Saturday flookimpjorn.

So, hadn't pooed since early Wednesday. I was expecting a lot this morning, and my bunghole delivered. In spades. As soon as I woke up, I had to poo. After one sip of coffee, and it was time. Serious poo log. A lot of wiping. Crapped again 30 minutes later. Very soft. But the first poo was the money poo. You're welcome.


Not a good week for poo.

I crapped at least 3 times Tuesday--none of them pooagenic enough for this blog. Didn't poo at all Wednesday, crapped at 2 am Thursday morning, in the dark. No pic. It was the middle of the night. Didn't poo Friday. As I said, not a good week for poo. 🥺

6 March: Monday morklepluntz.

Fairly standard poo plop for a Monday. But exciting. But it's poo, and it came out of my ass, so it's special. Well, not really. But it is poo.


Sunday, March 5, 2023

5 March: Sunday plooberstumph.

Started out the week with a nice poo. Not too hard, not too soft. Kind of middling. Middling poo. Pic would have been better if the leading edge hadn't sank to the bottom. Anyway...


Saturday, March 4, 2023

Saturday poo meme.

4 March: Saturday haumpqwartching.

Friday's poo was a squirt. Poo soup. This morning's poo was more substantial. Clumpier. Good poo pic. Hello?


2 March: Thursday horplegeener.

Didn't poo Wednesday, at the office. Again. This poo was just a splort. A squirt. Poo squirt. Almost didn't take a picture. But then I did. I know you'd want it. Good or bad. 


28 February: Tuesday chobhoortle.

Another plorp of poo. Poo has been soft lately. Not exciting. But the poo pics continue. The blog continues. Because my fans demand it. There you go.


27 February: Monday floopclupple.

Pile of Monday poo. Globble of poo. Middling poo, but a really good poo pic. So, half and half? 
