Saturday, February 27, 2021

27 February; Saturday klimperpooch.

So, I did poo Friday, but it wasn't a good poo. Pooed twice today, but only one was worthy of inclusion in this blog. I do have my standards. I always make sure that inferior poo doesn't make it to these pages. You're welcome. Today's poo was kind of fun! A big, spreading blopper floating on the top. Big, brown and ambitious.


25 February: Thursday thunchber.

So, to didn't poo Tuesday or Wednesday. Which seems to be the normal cycle. Then poo big time on Thursday. And in this case, poo twice. Both kind of globby. Dark and glorky. Kind of ooey and gooey. Blubby and glubby. Poo is poo. There you go.


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

22 February: Monday kungemunkle.

So, pretty much carbed it up all weekend, with plenty 'o poo all weekend. And a big fat poo blorg on Monday. Chunky and beefy and glorky. Nice rich reddish brown. So there you go. You're welcome.


Sunday, February 21, 2021

21 February: Sunday chorblorter.

So, I feasted and cheated yesterday, Saturday, cheat day. Huge cheeseburger and fries for lunch. Drank a beer. And full sugar coke and rum. So I expected a substantial poo today. It was a good poo, but not huge. Sang a good poo pic. I crapped again an hour later, but it wasn't pooagenic. So, there you go.


Saturday, February 20, 2021

20 February: Saturday spundundle.

Didn't poo Friday, so this is a two day load. Same this is a nice looking log. Smooth and long. Medium consistency. Which meant I had to wipe my ass 5 times. Just really gummy. But worth it for the poo pic. What I don't do for my fans. 


18 February: Thursday glumptychord.

Didn't poo Tuesday or Wednesday. That's the way it is going low carb. Much less poo. I'm not quite sure how that works, because I'm still running a lot of good. And then when I do poo, they aren't huge loads. So, weird. Thursday's poo was a big blorp. But it wasn't a three day blorp. So, there you go.


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

15 February: Monday chordyglunt.

Had a nice poo Monday. Technically Sunday was supposed to be low carb, but I ended up eating sushi and drinking A LOT of vodka. So I cheated. And pooed on Monday. A big, fat, glorggely poo. Dark and grainy. You can see the individual bits and pieces. 


Sunday, February 14, 2021

14 February: Sunday clumpdumpit.

Happy Valentine's Day everybody! Had to go to the supermarket this morning. Made the mistake of doing it before I pooed. It was really icy outside. I had to chip my truck out of the ice. Went to the store, and on my way back, the poo urge came. Came hard. I parked, gathered my stuff and went bouncing into my house. Holding the sphincter tight, so I didn't shit my pants. Just made it to the look, dropped trou, dropped my phone, and loosed the dumper. And so it goes. 


13 February: Saturday double gorngephlutt.

Didn't poo on Friday. Cheated and feasted Friday night. Which meant a big load ready for download Saturday. So big, in fact, that it required two evolutions. And the second poo was surprisingly pooagenic! So there you go! You're welcome! 


Thursday, February 11, 2021

11 February: Thursday splutchfobble.

Pooped twice Tuesday, no joy--not good looking poos. Didn't poo at all Wednesday. Those are the vagaries of a low carb diet. It's feast or famine. Poo or no poo. What's a guy going to do? This poo was not too bad. Not too bad at all.


Monday, February 8, 2021

8 February: Monday orglander.

Nice, big fat post Super Bowl poo. I drank vodka while watching the game, and ate chicken wings and buffalo chicken dip. Yep, I cheated, after cheating all day Saturday. Ah well. It was the Super Bowl. You gotta do what you gotta do. And it's a nice looking poo. Uniformly brown with yellowish speckles. Nice poo.


7 February: Sunday chubstomple.

So, after feasting on Saturday, I had a nice poo on Sunday. That's the routine now--i poo less during the week and more on the weekend. More carbs=more poo. That just the way it is. Kind of a gluey looking poo. And that's it!


Sunday, February 7, 2021

6 February: Saturday trimmerchlod.

Nice looking poo pic. Looks kind of etherial. The poo sank, which means I had to tight focus. And that always makes for a cool poo pic. This poo loaf looks kind of fat and jolpy. I didn't have another word. Razor sharp detail. You can really see the nooks and crannies. And what more could you ask for in a poo?


4 February: Thursday glumpchorter.

Unexciting poolets. Meh. The day after the big blorp. Hmph. Stupid poo. 


3 February: Wednesday blorpgun.

Didn't poo Monday or Tuesday. And then this big blorp on Wednesday. That's all I can call it...a blorp. A bolus. A blump. And there you go.
