Sunday, March 1, 2020

1 Mar: Sunday cluggerbread.

So, I woke up late on a lazy Sunday morning, had a cup of coffee, and had a nice poo. Looks like I'm back in my regular once a day poo routine. Ha! I rate this poo a 6.



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! Hopefully I'll be pooing and posting for a long time!

  2. I've found this. I'm a big fan of your poops!

  3. I was in hospital......I tried to kill myself because I didn't have Internet so I wasn't able to see your poo everyday.. I was so sad!!!! But thanks to the poo, the toilet, the water in the toilet, the paper for poo, the color in the poo, the mucus on the poo, your butt, your mom who gave birth to you so you can poo, the flies who kiss the poo all day, the pipes who give the poo a better home.... !! THIS IS ALL POSSIBLE!!!! See you tomorrow!

    1. Well thank God for the internet. I hope you were kidding about trying to kill yourself. That's never the solution. Dude, seriously, if you ever feel like you might want to harm yourself, reach out to somebody. In the US, you can call the national suicide hotline at 800-273-8255. Reach out to friends and family. And if you need to, reach out to me. You can email me. I check it every day.
