Tuesday, July 30, 2019

30 July: Tuesday flomperglizzup.

So, pooed at work. Work poo, right before I went to the gym. At work. This turd felt seriously substantial coming out. But when I took the picture, it wasn't exciting. But when I enlarged and framed the picture, it turned out to be a pretty nice poo pic. Really, almost a work out art.


Monday, July 29, 2019

29 July: Monday yibbleglarn.

Off today. So, we have Monday home poo. Came about half way through my first cup of coffee. Kind of interesting poo logs.


Sunday, July 28, 2019

28 Jul: Sunday florbinmiggle.

Drank beer yesterday after working out. Them drank some Deep Eddy grapefruit vodka. And are wings, and smoked salmon and other seafood snacks. Didn't get very far into my first cup of coffee when I had to poo this morning! And it was another good poo!


Saturday, July 27, 2019

27 Jul: Saturday wattleblarn.

Didn't poo yesterday. So this morning's poo came almost immediately after I woke up. I got the familiar rumblings even before my first sip of coffee. So this is a two day load. And what a load it is. I often say "They can't all be winners." Well, this one IS a winner. THIS is a good poo pic. This is what I strive for. You're welcome.


Thursday, July 25, 2019

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

24 Jul: Wednesday vlurblecund.

I sat down for this work poo without remembering to cover the Auto flush sensor on the toilet. So I had to get up and grab two quick pictures before the toilet automatically flushed. So, this poo pic is rushed, and not very good. I didn't have a chance to frame it, among other things. They can't all be winners, right?


23 Jul: Tuesday rumpdumphle.

Pretty standard work poo. Not much else to say.


22 Jul: Monday blimpfunger.

First day of the week work poo. Interesting because most of it sank, but a little nugget in the middle to the right was the "little poo nugget that could...float." Five seconds later it didn't matter because it got flushed. Because that's what happens to poo. One second you're floating there in an your glory, the next you're in your way to the sewage treatment plant.


Sunday, July 21, 2019

21 Jul: Sunday zimplefart.

Sunday poo! I shit three times yesterday, so I want sure if I'd crap at all today. I shouldn't have worried. Two sips into my morning coffee I had to poo. I felt those familiar rumblings. And poo I did. Interesting poo. Light colored, and floaty. Maybe because I had a crab encrusted pretzel last night. With vodka. Lots of vodka.


Saturday, July 20, 2019

20 Jul: Saturday vribbleklopp.

Regular Saturday poo. Came after about three sips into my first cup of coffee. Drank beer and ate pizza and wings last night. Pretty standard Friday fare. So a pretty standard Saturday poo.


19 Jul: Friday blorgingshump.

Very rare afternoon poo at work on Friday. I almost never poo in the afternoon. But an afternoon poo is better than no poo at all! Because it's poo! And poo is fun!


18 Jul: Thursday scloggleflurt.

Work poo. Two views.


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

17 Jul: Wednesday wunnyglumph.

Working from home today. Woke up, had a cup of coffee, and had a nice poo! Another sinker. But these are some nicely formed loggums. Good home poo pic.


16 Jul: Tuesday floumplobber.

Day off Monday, so, day off poo! Interesting little chorklets. These guys were falling and tumbling toward the bottom of the bowl as I was taking the picture. My turds have been sinking lately. I wonder if that means anything. 樂


Monday, July 15, 2019

15 Jul: Monday morphdrunkle.

Day off today. So I woke up, had a cup of coffee, and had a nice poo. Not a great poo, not a lousy poo, but a regular, run-of-the-mill poo. Hey, it's poo, so it's a good thing, right? 

After I had a huge salad for lunch at Ruby Tuesday ($9 all you can eat salad bar, and I do!), I had to drive home very quickly because I had to shit. Which often happens to me when I gorge on salad at Ruby Tuesday. It never fails. It's like taking a horse laxative, it turns everything in my colon to liquid, and that liquid decides it has to evacuate IMMEDIATELY. When I did get home to shit, it was completely liquid. Like a water faucet blowing out of my ass. Needless, not pooagenic.


Sunday, July 14, 2019

14 Jul: Sunday brummerdorph.

Sunday poo: one poo, three views. Still trying to change things up, give my readers a little something different. Not an overly exciting poo, but still poo.


Saturday, July 13, 2019

13 Jul : Saturday vrooberblundle.

So, this one felt substantial sliding out. But the first look at Saturday's poo was not encouraging. But I narrowed the view, adjusted the color a tad, and came up with an interesting poo pic. Sharp in the middle, fuzzy on the outside. Use your imagination and it could be just about anything!


12 Jul: Friday florphindle.

Kind of a mixed bag for a work poo. Floating and dark. The main clump was rolling and tumbling as I was focusing, so I had to wait a minute for it to settle. Not spectacular but not a dud.


11 Jul: Thursday triple phlormple.

Work poo. Not exciting, kinda of dark and hard to see. So I included three different views of the same poo. Kinda shaking things up. Doing things a little different. Trying to keep it fresh. You're welcome.


10 Jul: Wednesday blorblequimp.

Missed Tuesday's poo thorough a combination of happenstance and ineptitude. But I made up for it with this poo. It's a work poo but it's a really good poo pic. Nice long, log. Nice color, nice texture. I'll shut up and let bask in its glory.


8 Jul: Monday fluffgummins.

Monday work poo. Fluffy little nuggets. Work poo. Work fluorescent lighting. Meh.


Sunday, July 7, 2019

7 Jul: Sunday throgglegleem.

Feasted yesterday. That's what I do on Saturday. I eat. And I drink. And I poo. Well, I poo every day. Sunday's poo is usually pretty good because of the feasting on Saturday. But because I shit my brains out yesterday, there wouldn't be a lot to shit today. Or that's what I thought. I was wrong. I had to poo three sips into my first cup of coffee. The poo is relentless. But this was not an exciting poo. What do I always say? They can't all be winners.


6 Jul: Saturday clamplegumth.

So I shit my brains out Saturday. Crapped and crapped and crapped. Shit four times. My bunghole was sore from all that wiping. Geesh. Only the first poo was pooagenic. The rest were soup. I have no idea why my colon decides one day that it needs to void so many times. It's a mystery.


5 Jul: Friday flunkstipping.

Day after the holiday, working from home. Whether I'm at home or at work, the poo never stops. And I keep blogging. And blogging. As long as the poo keeps coming, I'll keep blogging. You're welcome.


4 Jul: Thursday Independence Day poo.

I had the day off as America celebrates the 4th of July, or our Independence Day. And I started it off with a nice poo. As promised, this is also Monster drink poo. Good poo pic. I need to drink more Monster drinks.


3 Jul: Wednesday wibblebjorn.

Another work poo. Came after I'd just started a Monster drink. So tomorrow's poo will be Monster drink poo. We'll see how that looks.


2 Jul: Tuesday globbinthort.

So, two hours after I got to work. I had to poo! Imagine that. The poo just never stops. It's almost like I'm expected to poo everyday. Geesh.


Monday, July 1, 2019

1 Jul: Monday schlumptgrommel.

So yesterday was a pretty big eating day. No beer but a lot of carbs. Yep, I cheated on a non cheat day. Went to a restaurant and I had a Monte Cristo sandwich. Sushi for dinner. Plus vodka. This morning felt like a big poo, but the picture doesn't really show it. It's like an iceberg--most of it must be below the surface.
