Monday, January 28, 2019

27 Jan: Sunday glumpus.

Took a huge dump Sunday morning. And finally, FINALLY got a good poo pic. It's been a while.

26 Jan: Saturday glubbdrumper.

Woke up later on Saturday than I normally do. About two hours later. Had a cup of coffee first off, and took a dump. Felt like a lot more coming out than what's represented in the picture. Oh well.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

25 Jan: Friday glooberthilmp.

End of the week poo. Probably work from home next week, at least part time. While I haven't crapped at work for two weeks, the last two week's poos haven't been spectacular. Oh well. I was hoping for some interesting post-surgery poos. No such luck.

24 Jan: Thursday loaflets.

Still off work. Poo is still pretty normal. These little mini-loads waited until about mid day to make their appearance. I guess they were a little shy. And when they cute little buggers did come, I flushed them right down the toilet. Which is what you do with poo. 

23 Jan: Wednesday willbgloober.

So, I'm still off work due to my shoulder surgery. I'm off pain meds, so I'm pooping normally. I'm waking up later (5am wake ups on work days), and pooping about 30 minutes after my first sip of coffee. This is a regular post-surgery poo. (It's also the day I got my stitches out. )

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

22 Jan: Tuesday flibchunker.

Still off work recovering from surgery. Still wiping with my left hand, which will probably continue for another month. This was a two poo day, although only the first poo was pooagenic. Baby wipes are still working to keep me clean. Using baby wipes might become the new normal for me.

Monday, January 21, 2019

21 Jan: Monday glorkas.

So, today is a national holiday here in the US. I celebrated by waking up, having a cup of coffee and having a nice poo. It wasn't a spectacular poo, but, they can't all be winners, right?

Doing my business.

So, the surgery was on my right shoulder. My dominant arm. My wiping arm. My right shoulder is in a sling, immobilized. Which means I have to wipe my ass, after crapping, with my left arm. Which is weird. Normally, I just reach behind and wipe. That just wasn't working with my left hand. So now, I'm reaching between my legs to wipe. I wipe once with wet nap, and then again with toilet paper. And the system is working. Since I've been doing this, I haven't gotten that itchy feeling you get when you don't get a good wipe. It's been all good.

And I have discovered that wet naps (or baby wipes) work really well to clean my bunghole. I stay pretty fresh, which is important because I'm not showering as much. So there to have it. For those who were wondering how I was wiping after surgery. 😆

20 Jan: Sunday loafus.

So, surgery was Tuesday. I crapped the afternoon after the surgery, and I did poo in a couple of the subsequent days, but for a multitude of reasons, I didn't get the pics. I am on pain meds, and that has resulted in a bit of constipation. So, a couple of the day's I didn't poo. I expected that. My first real poo pic after surgery day was Sunday. And this is a great poo pic. I call it loafus.

14 Jan: Monday kerfluffle.

Day before surgery, working from home. I didn't know how the surgery and post-op pain meds would affect my poo, so I wanted Monday's poo too be a good one. And it was. Nice, big, long meaty log. This is what I work for!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

15 Jan: Tuesday glubberflumphk.

Today is surgery day. Getting surgery on my rotator cuff. So, nothing to eat on the morning. Surgery at 9 am. Back home by noon. And still managed to drop this little flugle a couple of hours later. Not bad for still being under the influence of general anesthesia and a nerve block. And managed to wipe my ass with my non-dominant hand. Not too shabby.

13 Jan: Sunday groible.

So... And so... My phone has been giving me problems. I've had a hard time posting pictures to this blog from my phone. Not sure what the problem is. 

This is a pretty standard Sunday morning poo pic. Not a bad effort.


Saturday, January 12, 2019

12 Jan: Saturday jasploober.

I didn't crap yesterday, Friday. Sometimes that happens. (I crap five times one day and not at all another. Who knows.) So I woke up expecting to drop a deuce pretty quickly. And sure enough, about 30 seconds after my first cup of coffee, I had to shit. And out came this big blooper. The turd sank, so the pic isn't as good as it could be. You can't really tell the size of the poo from this pic. Still a solid poo pic.


Thursday, January 10, 2019

10 Jan: Thursday chomperdroob.

I wasn't expecting a poo early today, considering I dropped one late last night. But poo I did, at 7:30 am. Just like clockwork: get to work, have a second cup of coffee, and I feel the regular old rumbling. Dropped a big blobber. I decided on a close up, instead of wide angle, so you could see the nooks and crannies.


9 Jan: Wednesday whalpslunkin.

So, I thought this would be a poo-free day. Not a poo peep all day. Then, as I was getting ready for bed, jus about to brush my teeth, I got the old familiar rumbling. And this is the poo I dropped. Not a bad looking poo for a surprise. Here's a hint: wash your hands before brushing your teeth, if you've just taken a dump. But that's me.


8 Jan: Tuesday gliddleblob.

Work poo. I got on the treadmill to start my cardio workout at lunch, when what do you know, I feel that familiar "I have to shit feeling."  So I went back to the locker room, and blooped this out. Better at the beginning of the workout than in the middle I guess. The lighting is ok, but the poo broke up and became un-spectacular. Hmph. Beefy workout chunklets.


7 Jan: Monday chlumper.

This is a mid-morning work poo, and an example of how the fluorescent lighting at work can completely screw up a poo pic. Irritating. I'm posting the wide angle view and a close up. Neither view looks good. Too bad, because this looks like a pretty solid poo log. As my father would say, "Piss."


6 Jan: Sunday PHLLOOGG.

So, I didn't poo on Sunday until mid day. But what a poo it was. Massive, dark log. The poo was actually close to a blackish green, but I lightened it up a bit, for better contrast. This dumper felt massive coming out. A very satisfying experience. They can't all be winners, but this one certainly was.


5 Jan: Saturday glompit.

So, I didn't poo Friday. I too a day off pooing. And then Saturday's poo woke me up at 4:20 am, a bit earlier than I usually wake up on a Saturday. That's what I get for taking a day off pooing. Kind of a dark, glorgy poo--not terribly exciting. Oh well, we take what we can get.


3 Jan: Thursday thretherump.

So this poo waited until right before I went to sleep to decide it wanted to exit. Yep, I waited all day to crap, and it didn't come into just before I was going to brush my teeth. A little different. My schedule has definitely been a little wacky lately. That's ok, a poo's a poo. This dropped at home, and home poos already photograph better than work poos


2 Jan: Wednesday chlorgleflump.

Working from home today, after watching a late football game there night before. Poo came about 8 am, which it a little later than they normally come. They've been coming later, as we'll see in the following days. Not a bad looking poo. Could be better


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

1 Jan: New Year's Day phiummerbloop.

So, today's the first day of the year. I was making merry last night, drinking vodka and eating heavy and light hors d'oeuvres. Meatballs and prosciutto, Brie and gorgonzola stuffed olives. For lunch I had pimiento cheese topped crispy chicken sandwich and broccoli from Ruby Tuesday's. I don't know what they do to make their broccoli so tender and delicious, but it never fails to please (the drive home was tense, as all of that Ruby Tuesday's deliciousness caused an immediate liquification of everything in my bowels, requiring intense concentration on keeping my sphincter closed until I got home to the toilet). All of that went to make the incredible poo you see below. Great way to start the new year. Solid poo pic.
