Monday, November 5, 2018

4 Nov: Sunday glomkin.

So, feasted Saturday night, and drank beer watching college football. This is beer and snacks poo. Not exciting food, but an interesting poo pic.



  1. I’ve been following your blog for about 2 months now. I have terrible anxiety and OCD about health issues. I recently find myself concerned about the color of my poop. Sometimes it seems like it’s very light, like a tan color, but then other days it’s a dark brown. I get concerned about the lighter colors because I’ve heard it can mean liver/pancreas issues. I’m not asking you for medical advice, I have a GI appt. But I’ve noticed that you sometimes have lighter poop on some days too, does that ever alarm you?

    1. I get comments and email from people who are worried that their poo is abnormal. I always say, "Poo comes in all shapes and sizes. Everybody is different. Chances are, your poo is completely normal." I get annual physical examd. My blood tests come back normal. I've had two colonoscopies. I'm fine. My gastro doc says I'm perfectly healthy. No, I'm not worried that my poo is abnormal. I'm not worried that it isn't a hard brown log. My poo is what it is. Go see your GI doc. Hopefully he tells you the same thing.
