Sunday, September 23, 2018

23 Sep: Sunday double glumper.

I woke up early this morning at 4:30 with extreme cyclic intestinal cramps. That almost always means I have to poo. Went into the bathroom and had to strain a bit before this bad boy slorped out. Afterward no more cramps.

Second poo came four and a half later after a cup of coffee and a Monster drink. Not a bad looking second poo.



  1. May i please get a name for this account?

  2. so how did your polyp turn out to be? was it benign? did you get rid of your hemmies as well? you have a lot of different colours there haha

  3. so was the polyp you had benign and did they get rid of your hemorrhoids? you have nice colours, they would freak me out haha

    1. Polyp was sort of indeterminate. It was worrisome enough to require another colonoscopy in five years. The hemorrhoids weren't bad enough to require treatment. They don't really cause me discomfort. I wouldn't even know they were there except for the occasional blood in my stool.
