Sunday, January 22, 2017


I checked the date of my first was November, 2011. That means I've been doing this blog for more than five years. Not a bad effort. I've tried to remain consistent. I try to post at least every couple of days. Poo Is cool, but old poo.... not so much. I know my readers want to see new, fresh poo. And I endeavor to make my readers happy.

When I look at other poo blogs, they don't seem to last very long. People don't keep up with it for very long. A couple of months...maybe a year. I've been doing this for over five years. When I started, I took the pics with a digital camera, and had to transfer the pics to my old laptop with an SD card, and then update the blog on the computer. It was a pain.

Now I just use my Samsung smart phone and the Blogger app. I do it all from my phone. That makes it much more convenient to update my blog. If I still had to update using a digital camera, SD card, and laptop, I probably wouldn't have kept up with it.

Hopefully I can share my poo with you for another five years. Thanks to my readers who've stuck with me all this time.


  1. Hey Billy, I just found your blog, been looking through your shits for a little while and I'm very impressed! Although I've been recording my shit much longer than you, I only started my own blog just over a year ago. Kudos to you for beating me to the blogosphere by five years!

    I do notice that almost nobody comments on your blog. I have exactly the same issue, the hit counter constantly tells me about 100 visits per post but zero comments.

    My shitting cycle is different to most other people in that I usually shit 2-3 times a week. You can read more about me on the opening pages of my blog, but I just wanted to say that I do enjoy yours and you have some really nice shit my friend. Have you ever considered making videos?

    1. I think I did a short video earlier on...but not of me actually pooping. I'm not sure how I would pull that off, and I'm not sure any of my titular readers are interested in that. There are plenty of websites around where you can see people pooping. I just like to chronicle pics of my poo, and people seem to like just that.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You're right...I don't get a lot of comments. I got a lot of comments from Tee Guillot, but I ended up deleting most of the comments. They were mostly about wanting to eat my poo. And that's not what this blog is about.

  2. Have either both of you considered Feeding and filming. I would love to be a Eater

    1. No, Tee, that's not what this blog is about. I can appreciate that some people are into that. But that's not me.
