I checked the date of my first post....it was November, 2011. That means I've been doing this blog for more than five years. Not a bad effort. I've tried to remain consistent. I try to post at least every couple of days. Poo Is cool, but old poo.... not so much. I know my readers want to see new, fresh poo. And I endeavor to make my readers happy.
When I look at other poo blogs, they don't seem to last very long. People don't keep up with it for very long. A couple of months...maybe a year. I've been doing this for over five years. When I started, I took the pics with a digital camera, and had to transfer the pics to my old laptop with an SD card, and then update the blog on the computer. It was a pain.
Now I just use my Samsung smart phone and the Blogger app. I do it all from my phone. That makes it much more convenient to update my blog. If I still had to update using a digital camera, SD card, and laptop, I probably wouldn't have kept up with it.
Hopefully I can share my poo with you for another five years. Thanks to my readers who've stuck with me all this time.