Tuesday, April 29, 2014

28 Apr: Monday mound.

So, it's Monday morning. I'm at work by 6:30. I'm going to the gym before work today, and I'm hoping to poop before I work out. That way, as discussed previously, I can wash my ass during the post workout sitter, and go back to my desk completely fresh. And that's how it worked out. A quick stop of coffee at my desk, and 10 grams of BCAAs before the workout, and I was ready to poo. And poo I did.


Sunday, April 27, 2014

27 Apr: Sunday pole.

Well...I'm at home, and yesterday was a full cheat day. And I got a nice solid turd. Always more gratifying than a plop. Ha!

26 Apr: Saturday slorp.

So...cheat night last night.....pizza and beer, and the next morning a great big turd. Ha! not much else to say. Ain't it purty?

24 Apr: Thursday serpent.

So, Thursday morning poo....definitely a different look. I had just gotten to work. And after a couple of cups of coffee, I had to poo. As I've said before, the lighting in the bathrooms at work isn't conducive to good poo pics.
This poo was a little darker, and a little greener than normal. Sorry about the glare. But what can I do?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

22 Apr: Tuesday toot.

So....tacos last night (and a hot dog at the movie theater) made for....this. A plop? A plorp? Looks similar to my last couple of days poos. You can see a little red on the poo--I certainly hope that's not blood....that would suck.

I had a colonoscopy 2 years ago, and came back with a clean bill of health. Doc said I didn't need another one for 7 years.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

20 Apr: Sunday florf!

So...yesterday was a full cheat day. Lots of carbs, lots of beer. Which results in lots of poo the next morning.

Nice, brown and fluffy. Kind of soft, so--lots of wiping. But worth it.


Saturday, April 19, 2014

19 Apr: Saturday slough.

So...pretty typical post cheat night poo. Most of the poo is below the water where you can't see it. Kind of fluffy...nothing you haven't seen before. 


18 Apr: Friday flop: 2 views.

So, I'm at work. We have a gym on site,  I decide to work out before work. (I usually work out at lunch.) This works for me because I needed to poo. So I can poo, then work out and shower afterward, and then be completely fresh. I like to shower after I poo.

So I remember to my cell phone to the gym, so I can take a pic of my poo. Unfortunately, the light is florescent, and directly overhead, so I get a lot of bad reflections. So I shifted positions to see if I could get better light. And that resulted in the two views you see below. Almost looks like two different poos.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

15 Apr: Tuesday florp.

So, again, the poo comes out like sift serve ice cream. (I'll bet you'll never look at soft serve ice cream the same again.) This plop was a little strange looking--I see some red highlights....gee, I hope it's not blood. More likely the tomatoes I had with last night's meat loaf.


13 Apr: Sunday plop.

So, a very unimpressive Monday poo. Not much else to say. Sorry.


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014

11 Apr: Friday snake...

...all coiled up and hissing...really big, long turd. Came out in about a second and a half. Very gratifying.


7 Apr: Monday, serious post cheat day logs.

This is what I work do hard for. Serious logs. Serious poo.

You're welcome.


6 Apr: Sunday phards.

So, I'm traveling in PA. Cheat night the previous night, usually produces good poos. This one not so much. Little pointy phards.


4 Apr: Friday plorp.

So, pretty disappointing Friday effort. But I've resolved to include the good, the bad, and the ugly poo.


3 Apr: Thursday logs.

So, this is a much beefier poo. Much more satisfying.


2 Apr: Wednesday disappointment

Thought I took a really good crap, but as you can see, the turd was disappointing. Sorry.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

31 Mar: Monday ploop.

First of two ploops this Monday. Second one was not pooagenic. This one isn't really pooagenic either. Sorry. I know you expect more from me. I'll try to do better.
