Sunday, November 11, 2012

10 NOV: Second Saturday poo!

Ok, as I've said before, oftentimes on Saturday I'll take two poos. Comes from not crapping as regularly during the week when I'm low-carbing it. Then I'll cheat big-time Friday evening, and have a full load ready to go on Saturday.

So I took a big crap this morning, and you saw it on my previous post. A lot of the time, I'll crap again a couple of hours later. Today it didn't quite work like that. I had a light lunch, before my 5 mile run, and it didn't feeel like I'd be crapping again any time soon. As I was ttying up my running shoes, I felt the familiar stirring in my bowels. I grabbed my smartphone, went to the bathroom and dropped the imressive load you see blow.

I'm just glad it happened BEFORE my run. As any runner will attest, it's very uncomfortable when you have to take a bug crap DURING the run. That happened to me recently. But that's a tale for another time.


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