Monday, January 6, 2025

Monday poo meme

A little late, but still in the Christmas spirit...

6 January: Monday flunchingdroag.

Dropped a poo on a snowy Monday morning. Snow ploozel. Off today, so I'll be shoveling snow later today. Good exercise. Poos are weird--you're sitting there, don't have to poo, and then all of a sudden, you're running to the bathroom before you shit your pants. Happened this morning. Reminds me of the scene from the movie "Nomadland." She's in the van, and she gets this "I've gotta shit" look on her face. Luckily she has a bucket, she sits on the bucket and shits. In the van. I assume she'd have to put the bucket outside after that. You know, because of the smell. It's poo. 


5 January: Sunday plearthybroinder.

Not a ploop. Good. Tired of the ploops. This is more like plop-nuggets. It works. Got flushed, with the rest of the poo. Because it would be weird to keep your poo, right? And I'm not weird. Not like that, anyway. 


4 January: Saturday hoojquimpler.

Another ploop. Ploops everywhere. A lot of ploops for the new year. Diagnosis...not enough fiber? I don't know. Plooping is better than not pooing. So, win/?


3 January: Friday phlarpgrunion.

Ploop. That's what this is. Ploop. No better word. It's been a ploopy new year. Lots of ploop. Ploop to come. 



Sunday, January 5, 2025

Saturday, January 4, 2025

31 December: New Year's Eve schwarberbloonce.

Didn't poo Monday--at least I don't think I did. The poos are blurring together. This came in the afternoon, as I was getting ready to make merry! This poo is kind of chunky. And stumpy. Stumpy poo for the new year. Nothing else to say. 


29 December: Sunday plooberspinkling.

Dropped a pile of probling Sunday. A pile and a blort. Pungent. Pungent and poo. The poo never stops. And that's good. 
