Sunday, March 9, 2025
Saturday, March 8, 2025
8 March: Saturday hoiblecharner.
Back to the regular poos. This one isn't close to being as impressive as yesterday's poo. Came very shortly after I started drinking coffee. Felt much more substantial as I squeezed it out of my bunghole. It would have been a better outcome if part of the poo hadn't settled at the bottom of the bowl. But a bad pic, but it has so much potential!
Friday, March 7, 2025
7 March: Friday florkenchute.
Here you go. Day off today. And I dropped the mack-daddy of turds. This is the OG of offal. This is a serious poo. This took 3 flushes to get gone. And this a really good poo pic. This is up there with the best of my poo pics. I'll leave it at that. Two words--you're welcome.
6 March: Thursday hoblarcrooch.
Started drinking coffee, and immediately had to poo. And poo I did. Not as smooth and solid as Wednesday's poo, but still a pretty substantial load. More ooey and gooey. And I see corn! Corn poo is always fun! This poo is orangish, which usually means pungent. And this poo was pungent. Still poo, and a pretty good poo pic. 💩
5 March: Wednesday plobblechood.
Work poo! And finally got a good poo pic at work. Came after my gym shower at work, but that's okay. Despite the crappy lightning, I changed the position of my phone to get a good work poo pic. And this was a serious log. Greenish. Good. You go boy. You're welcome.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
4 March: Tuesday hublequining.
Dropped this dollop about 3 sips into my first cup of coffee. This felt substantial as I squeezed it out of my bunghole. And it is a pretty hefty blorp. Nice poo pic. Nice to see some logs/chunks. Tired of the plops and piles. It's time for heftier blorks. Which means it's time for more fiber. I'll eat a banana. 😁
Monday, March 3, 2025
3 March: Monday gorcherflurd.
I'm off today but my colon is not. Poo doesn't take a day off. It never stops. Even after crapping my brains out all weekend. Not a bad looking gorch. And a pretty good poo pic. There you go.
Sunday, March 2, 2025
2 March: Sunday quapjoondler.
So, I crapped at least 3 times Friday. And a poo got me out of bed Saturday morning. I was dreaming a had to shit but couldn't find a toilet. I finally found one and l started to push. And I woke up. Lucky I didn't shit the bed. Didn't get the pic because I was stumbling around half asleep. Crapped twice more Saturday. Today's poo was--okay. Tired of the phlorps. I want some logs. I'll start eating more fiber.
28 February: Friday chummelgroinding.
Just a splat. One of several splats on Friday. I shit at least 3 times. All liquid. Sucked. My ass was burning. Not a good poo day, and not an exciting poo pic. I'll soldier on.
27 February: Thursday surplamatir.
After traveling back home from a meeting in a different state, I dropped this sploggle after a quick snack/lunch. Looks like little sausages in a dark gravy. I know that kinda gross. I was just musing. Sometimes I'm at a loss for words. I'll shut up.
26 February: Wednesday hyplegirning.
I was in the office in this Wednesday. This poo came after lunch (I didn't work out at noon, so freshness wasn't an issue). I was able to hold the phone at an angle to keep the shit lighting from being reflected into the camera. So there you go. Not really a good poo pic, but a good effort considering the conditions.
25 February: Tuesday woompgrinzle.
A splottle of sproog. Interesting looking poo. Seriously bi-colored. And that's always fun. Very cool poo. And a really good poo pic.
24 February: Monday horchumly.
A plop of Monday plorp. Just an ooey gooey pile of plorp. It's a plorp. It's a phlorp. It's poo.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
23 February: Sunday chuntgudney.
Early morning Sunday poo. I've poo. Two different views. First pic is the solid poo that sank you the bottom, and the second pic was the phlollup that followed. That's how a lot of my poos go--start off solid, end in a phlatt. There you go.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
22 February: Saturday froifingjooble.
Not a bad little poo--thick and mealy. Good texture, good, rich, orange color. Crapped again an hour and a half later, after breakfast. And this is after pooing three times the day before. The poo just never stops. Which is his, because, it's another indicator that I'm still alive. And still alive is ALWAYS good. Here's to continued pooing. The mark of life.
21 February: Friday chomploible.
Definitely a plop of poo. Crapped twice more Friday. The poo just never, ever stops. I guess as long as I eat, I poo. That's the quote: "I eat, therefore I poo." Don't need anything more.
20 February: Thursday splotgrimmler.
So, sort of a sphlort of poo. Dropped after my first cup of coffee in the morning. Not exciting. But, you know, they can't all be winners. And so it goes.
19 February: Wednesday harblegointer.
Wednesday work poo. Not bad for a work poo--I was able to minimize the bag lighting. Pooed before my noon workout, so I showered after my workout, so I was fresh. But I pooed again after lunch, so then I wasn't fresh. It's always a struggle to remain fresh. Oh well. It's poo.
Monday, February 17, 2025
17 February: Monday plumphjenior.
Day off today for Presidents Day. I celebratedb the presidents with a poo! What better reason? Poo doesn't stop for holidays. Because it's poo. This was a lot of poo. Felt bigger coming out. But it was soft, so it spread out. You'd see a lot more serious logs if my poo was firmer. But that's me. Maybe more fiber?
Sunday, February 16, 2025
16 February: Sunday flointergrimmon.
So, I was drinking coffee Sunday morning and guess what? Yep, my faithful readers know--I had to poo. You knew it. The poo is always in the march. It Just. Never. Stops. The poo. It's relentless. But that's poo. I had to poo again an hour and a half later. Funny, my junk was hanging over the edge if the seat (second poo)--and I couldn't go. I had to pee, and but couldn't because I would have pissed on the floor. So I sat back, unkinked my sphincter and let fly--poo and piss. Felt really good. Mission accomplished.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
15 February: Saturday borpleqwerd.
Didn't take long for this turd to make it's presence known. Two sips of coffee and--blap. Turd City. Running to the john. It was a blopper and a blower. A poot and a blort. A pile and a glorf. Kind of an interesting little plorf. And a pile of ploof. There you go. It's poo!
14 February: Valentine's Day schmorgasbloop.
Day off today. And decided to drop a dollop of plorp. Kind of a mealy plorpus of phollup. Not an exciting plorp, but still poo. Poo is poo. Pooed after lunch out: actually pooed at the restaurant but didn't get a pic. It was poo soup anyway. I went in the restaurant because I didn't want to do the mass dash home when the poo hit. Success.
13 February: Thursday double Jablonskygould.
Two poo Thursday. One in the morning, one after lunch. Morning poo was better. Second poo was just so-so. But second poos are usually but very pooagenic. But still poo. First poo was pretty good. You decide: you want to see second poos, even though they aren't as pretty? Leave me a comment or send me at email!
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
12 February: Wednesday broimblefluter.
Middle of the week, working from home due to snow, and started off with a nice poo. Didn't take very long after starting my first cup of coffee. It usually doesn't (take long). Not a bad poo pic. Kind of glungy looking. Hey--it's poo.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
11 February: Tuesday broinchsclabble.
Didn't take long for this poo to make itself known. Maybe 40 minutes after waking and 15 minutes after my first sip of coffee. Not a bad looking poo. Not a plop--well, not a plop at the beginning. Started off as a splork. Ended as a splork. But that's the way poo goes. It is what it is. It's poo.
10 February: Monday chorkyunter.
Just a pile of Monday poo. This is just a splort of poo. Ya know? A splort? Kind of mealy and messy. Like poo is wont to be. Poo. It's what comes out of your ass.
Sunday, February 9, 2025
9 February: Sunday minklechorb.
I crapped multiple times Saturday so I wasn't sure I would crap today. Once again, I shouldn't have worried. There is always "poo in the queue." Multi-colored, always fun. Nice little poolets. There you go--it's poo!
8 February: Saturday churnodrood.
This is a serious poo log. This is what I work for. Really good poo pic. That's it. Sometimes you just have to let art "...wash over you." No more words. Out.
7 February: Friday horbminchle.
Started off as a log, ended as a ploof. Bi-colored poo. Always fun. Pretty good poo pic. You're welcome.
6 February: Thursday groinderchhoon.
A big pile of poo. Dark and messy. Poo does tend to be messy. Life like beef stew, no? Let that percolate. There you go.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
5 February: Wednesday hybletigging.
Work poo! Before lunch! Not exciting, but there is corn. And corn poo is always fun. Pooed again after lunch (and my post-workout shower--so, no longer fresh). Not pooagenic. Ah well. Still poo.
4 February: Tuesday hopplamooning.
Just a pile of dorkel sploob. Kind of a dark gloinal of sploog. Not a nice looking poo. Kind of a mess. But it came out of my ass, so it's okay.
Monday, February 3, 2025
3 February: Monday pompkojooly.
Even though I'm off today, I started off the work week with a twort. One minute I'm fine, watching TV, and then I'm running to the toilet. The poo comes when it wants to come. Started off with a twertlet, ended with a blorge. There you go.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
2 February: Sunday floffelbortz.
Had to crap Sunday. Came early in the morning, despite three craps the day before. Yep, the poo never stops. Not a particularly impressive poo. Part soft, part florp. But all poo.
enjoy y.
1 February: Saturday hobstcreilly.
Dropped this poo mid-morning. Definitely splotchy. And blorgy. Crapped twice more Saturday. But--liquid. Soup. As you know, I usually don't post poo soup pics. If you want poo soup pics, let me know. I'm here comments.
31 January: Friday moldurplumking.
Dropped this home poo mid-morning. Chunky and frittery. What's that mean? Look at the poo and answer that question. Answer in comments.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
30 January: Thursday hoblochurncy.
Thursday poo. Not exactly soft, but certainly not a log. Or loglets. Kind of in between. I drop a lot of in-between type loads. That's me: Mr. InBetween. So there.
29 January: Wednesday ghindersmilking.
Home poo. Pooed at home. Started off as a little ploop, and ended up a splort. Happens a lot--harder stool at the beginning, plugging up the old bunghole, and then looser stool after. But, it works. This is genuine poo. And poo is always fun.
28 January: Tuesday spolchingflynder.
Another blob of plorp. Kind of ooey, gooey, lumpy and phlumpy. Good poo pic. Good effort. You're welcome.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
26 January: Sunday plopgrunion.
Started the week off with a plop. I crapped three times yesterday, so this morning's poo was a welcome surprise. Light colored, kind of blotchy. Not a bad looking poo. There you go.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
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