Monday, June 24, 2024

24 June: Monday glurgle grunion.

Dropped a poo about as hour after waking. Not a giant pooper, but a good poo pic. Interesting coloring. Very dark poo, with lighter poo around the edges. Bi-colored poo--always fun. 


Sunday, June 23, 2024

23 June: Sunday chinkwhittle.

Dropped trou after lunch and bolloped out this bad boy. Pretty good goddamn poo, if I do say so my damn self. This was a LOAD. I definitely felt lighter after I dropped this load. The comedian Ron White asked "You ever take a dump so big your pants fit better?" That's how I felt after this dumper. Mission accomplished.


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday poo meme.

22 June: Saturday scattympisk.

This poo sort of woke my up this morning at 5 am. I felt the rumbling and knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. So this is 5 am poo. Just a pile. A plorch of plurble. A glurgle of glorp. Not exciting, but a pretty good poo pic. 


21 June: Friday ibenschfinkie.

Dropped this about a hour after waking. Pokle of plopple. Not an exciting poo. They can't all be winners, right? Still poo. 


20 June: Thursday plurstimpler.

Typical post-lunch, post-Wegovy dumper. Started off as a log and finished as a pile. My poos are definitely looser after coming off the Wegovy. Like they were before I started Wegovy. Not a very exciting poo. But it does feel good to be back to taking a daily crap. 


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

19 June: Wednesday double splimergorge.

Crapped twice yesterday, and crapped twice today. That's what happens when you go off Wegovy. The volume of poo increases. That's not scientific of course. But I'm definitely crapping more. Good poo pics. Still don't see the corn I ate Monday. It's a mystery. But as I've already said...poo can be mysterious. 


18 June: Tuesday double sprogglevank.

Didn't poo Monday, so Tuesday was a two poo day. There you go. Once right after I woke up, and again after lunch. Had corn on the cob Monday but you can't really see it. Too bad, because corn poo is always fun. Good poo pics--you can really see detail. The camera in my google Pixel really is good. 


Sunday, June 16, 2024

16 June: Sunday sporgeflixter.

Crapped twice yesterday so this is a half day load. Floating little chunklets. Not bad little poolets. Hey, it's poo. 

Traffic to the blog is still down. Between 100 and 300 page views a day. Last week on Thursday it spiked to 800--mostly from Norway. Sometimes I'll get a week of 1000+ page view days--traffic from Hong Kong. I have no idea why.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday poo meme.

15 June: Saturday bloofertwade.

Another big, beefy load. This is what I work for. I didn't poo Friday, so this is a two day load. Really good poo pic. You're welcome. 


13 June: Thursday plurkenstroim.

Another big, beefy load. It's almost loaf-like. Remember Loafus? This load came mid morning. Nice looking poo and another pretty good poo pic. 


12 June: Wednesday porpgumple

Big, mid-week poo. I was in the office Wednesday, but I didn't crap at work. This poo came late in the evening, right before I went to bed. So, definitely a different time of the day to poo. I almost always poo in the morning. And this was a hefty, two day load. Not a bad looking poo. 


Monday, June 10, 2024

10 June: Monday spollupjern.

Woke up today and immediately had to poo. Felt like a little squiglet coming out but turned out to be a little more substantial. Not a bad looking poo, as far as poos go. Good poo pic.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

9 June: Sunday horfalgrannice.

Started the week off with a good poo. Two day load. Kind of gloinky looking. Not bad. It's good to be pooing at home. Nothing like sitting down on the familiar home toilet and dropping a gloink. 

And it looks like I'll be discontinuing the Wegovy. The mail order pharmacy I've been getting it from says they can no longer provide it, and none of the brick and mortar pharmacies around me has it. So, we'll see what happens--to my poo and my appetite. 


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Saturday poo meme.

7 June: Friday flutnutnry.

Didn't poo in the mid-level bathroom because it was in disposed. This was in the upstairs guest bathroom, so, a little different look. Lighting is a little different, but a cool looking poo. Sort of glorpy. There you go 


6 June: Thursday chobbleglutney.

First poo back home. Home poo. Kind of...gloopy, ooey and gooey. Not exciting, but not a bad p pic. Good to be home and crapping in my familiar home toilet. 


5 June: Wednesday splordchumly.

Last day on holiday, last day in foreign toilet. Cool little loaflets. Light could be better, but hey, it's still holiday poo. Been drinking more beer than I normally do. Been pooing more than I normally do
More poo is good poo.


4 June: Tuesday flinkenjunty.

Still on holiday in the AirB&B. So, pooing in a different toilet. You can tell because the light is different. You had see a couple of corn niblets from the corn on the cob I had Sunday. And corn poo is always fun. 


Monday, June 3, 2024

3 June: Monday skumpkinbrool.

So, didn't poo Sunday but pooed twice on Saturday, so this is a day and half load. Traveling on holiday, so this is an AirB&B toilet. Poo dropped to the bottom so this is a different look. I had to pinch this loaf to get it out--normally I don't have to pinch. I just flex the old bunghole and the poo slides right out. 


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Saturday poo meme


1 June: Saturday plunchgrudner.

Nice looking poo loaves. Nice, brown color. Maybe one corn nugget. Still haven't seen much of the corn I ate two days ago. But poo is sometimes perplexing. Good looking poo pic, though. 


31 May: Friday plumpkinjorst.

Pile of Friday poo. Sort of--plorby. I ate corn the night before, and you can see a couple of small corn nuggets, but not real corn poo. So, not as much fun. 
