Saturday, August 29, 2020

29 August: Saturday hoobplunker.

End of the week, Saturday poo. And another nice looking poo. Good poo pic. Nice, solid Iog. Deep, rich brown color. And you can still see some of the corn I ate Thursday night. Corn. The food that keeps on giving. I rate this poo an 8.


28 August: Friday shtinkwater.

Nice poo pic. Nice, deep, rich brown-orange color. Nice, solid, globular log. And you can see just a hint of the corn I had the night before. Excellent poo pic. I rate this poo an 8 1/2.


27 August: Thursday clobberstoink.

Another sinker. But another good poo picture. Looks like a three-headed dragon. I rate this poo a 6.


Friday, August 28, 2020

26 August: Wednesday florfglumner.

Mid week poo. This was a sinker. The sinkers tend to be a little more washed out, as they're completely below the water level. But the pictures end up beating my expectations by being pretty good. Nice detail in this pic. I rate this poo a 6.


25 August: Tuesday floddersporf.

So, Tuesday work/home poo. No real story behind this one--I just got up, and had a nice poo. It felt nice as I squeezed it out of my bunghole, anyway. Not an exciting poo. Another 5 1/2 star'er. 


24 August: Monday chuncevlober.

Starting my 24th week of working from home. Still working, still pooing. This poo was just fair-to-middling. It was just okay. I rate this poo a 5 1/2.


Sunday, August 23, 2020

23 August: Sunday blumpchudder.

So, started off the day and the week with a good poo! Nice, rich, orange-brown color. Is that normal, you ask? It's normal for me! I rate this poo a 6.


Saturday, August 22, 2020

21 August: Friday clumperjort.

Harder poo logs on Friday. But my poo is still orangish. Orange logettes. Poo looks a little washed out. Better than a poo plop. I rate this poo a 6.


20 August: Thursday flammergort.

Thursday's poo was a big pile of orange goo. Big, ooey, gooey glork. Not perfect, but a nice looking poo. I rate this poo a 6.


19 August: Wednesday double chunkle.

Pooed twice Wednesday. Once after I woke up, the second about 2 hours later. First was light colored, and ropy. Second poo was darker and a blob. Kind of interesting what can come out of my ass can be so different just hours apart. 


18 August: Tuesday blorpton.

Unexciting poo. Just a blop. Almost didn't post it.  Not much else to say. I rate this poo a 3. 


17 August: Monday chorbglunter.

Starting my 23rd week if working from home due to the coronavirus pandemic. Still pooing at home. And this is just a big blob of orange-brown poo. I rate this poo a 5 1/2.


Sunday, August 16, 2020

16 August: Sunday phlorgubble.

So, starting off the week with a poo! And a pretty hefty poo it is. Nice, meaty chunks. I rate this poo a 6 1/2.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

15 August: Saturday flirterhoimp.

So, as soon as I started drinking coffee this morning I had to poo. As soon as I sat down, the ground just fell out of my ass. All I had to do was unflex just a bit and, splaap. The picture turned out better than I thought it would. I rate this poo a 6.


14 August: Friday glorgchunder.

End of the work week home poo. Not a bad blork. Ooey, gooey, stewy and pitooie. I rate this poo a 6.


13 August: Thursday poxgoodling.

The last couple of days I've been crapping twice, sometimes three times a day. I crap in the morning as usual, then again after I eat something, usually lunch. Kind of sucks because the second and third poos are mostly liquid. And my bunghole gets kind of sure when I have to wipe that often. Ah well. You can see a bit of a carrot soup the top of this poo--part salad I ate the previous day. I rate this poo a 6.


Friday, August 14, 2020

12 August: Wednesday forntingmornd.

Kind of an interesting poo. Deep, rich Brown color. Good pic. I'm always impressed with the pictures my Google pixel 2 XL takes. I rate this poo a 6.


11 August: Tuesday gloikjundle.

Home poo plop. Meh. Not exciting. I rate this poo a 5.


10 August: Monday claindrummle.

So, beginning my 22nd week of working from home. It's been that long since I posted a work poo. All of my home poos are starting to look the same. But what's a brother going to do? I poo where I am. This poo was just okay. I rate it a 5 1/2.


Sunday, August 9, 2020

9 August: Sunday glogjogger.

Nice, Sunday poo. Woke up this morning hungover. Really hungover. Sucked. Ate meatballs, crabcakes and drank way too much rum. But that made for a nice looking poo. Nice, brown, coiled log. I rate this poo a 7.


8 August: Saturday chumgorgle.

Another poo blorp. Just a blob. Looks almost like it's folded. Not exciting. I rate this poo a 4 1/2.

7 August: Friday frooglejort.

End of week home poo. Just a dark little blort. A little poo blob. Kind of cute. Nice, rich, gooey texture. I rate this poo a 6.

6 August: Thursday blitterchong.

This is another poo that looks like chicken tenders.... (Bet you'll never think of chicken tenders the same way again.😁😁)  I ate corn on the cob the evening before, so I was hoping for more of a corn showing.  But there isn't much corn there. You can barely see some see the bottom. Disappointing.


5 August: Wednesday churbgilbing.

Mid week home poo. Not exciting, just a little blurpkin. I rate this poo a 5 1/2.


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

4 August: Tuesday chunkstogger.

Tuesday morning poo. First sip of coffee, out comes the poo. Never fails. Well, almost never. This is another cool poo. Had meat loaf for lunch, yesterday, salad for an afternoon small, and crab-stuffed tilapia for dinner. Made for a good looking poo. 


3 August: Monday blompchugger.

Monday, starting my 21st week of working from home because of the pandemic. Yep, it saves me the commute into work. Yep, the poo pics are better because I don't have to contend with the fluorescent lighting at work. But it is getting a little old.

This poo is kind of cool. Kind of a rich, reddish brown color. I rate this poo a 6 1/2.


2 August: Sunday sprockledormph.

Woke up a little hungover Sunday. But sinus
Sunday's poo was pretty good. Are pizza and cheesy bread the night before. Oh, and had a bit if time to drink. Fairly solid chunks. I rate this poo a 7.


1 August: Saturday schlortergink.

So, Saturday poo. Came almost immediately after waking up. Came out in quick blurp. Not a home run, but not a bad effort. I rate this poo a 5 1/2.


32 July: Friday clurgwather.

End of week, end of the month. End of my 20th week working from home. And I capped it off with a pretty good looking poo. Kind of a dark brown, puffy and pooey glorg. I rate this poo a 6.


30 July: Thursday jonkervlut.

Thursday poo... Well, Thursday poo. No story, no annecdote. Just poo. I rate this poo a 6.


Monday, August 3, 2020

29 July: Wednesday chortblunger.

So, mid week poo that's another bicolored poo. Part reddish brown, part greenish. These poos are always fun, but I have no idea how they're formed. I rate this poo a 6.


28 July: Tuesday trogglebrund.

Starting my 20th week of working from home due to the pandemic. Monday's poo was completely unpooagenic. Tuesday's was a little better. But not by much. I rate this poo a 5 1/2.
