Dropped a big poo pile on Sunday. Just came out in a big phlaat. As usual, it took me a second and a half to push this bad boy out. I wonder if I ate more fiber my poos would be more solid. Something to ponder.
Dropped a big poo pile on Sunday. Just came out in a big phlaat. As usual, it took me a second and a half to push this bad boy out. I wonder if I ate more fiber my poos would be more solid. Something to ponder.
So I day down for a nice poo Saturday morning, after my first cup of coffee. And a nice poo it was. My phone was straight up though, so there's a lot of flash glare.
After I pooed, though, while wiping, the toilet seat cracked. I think I was sitting at an odd angle, putting pressure on the seat it wasn't designed for, and that caused it to crack.
End of work week poolets. Not too impressive. I've been having problems with my cell phone dying as soon as I start to take pictures. If it's below 50% power, it will die. And I've missed a coupe of poo pics because of this problem. Once again, I'm thinking about replacing the old Samsung Note 4.
Today was a good day for poo. Actually crapped twice, and the first was a doozie. Big solid log. Second poo came in the afternoon. Not as pooigenic, but still fairly solid for a second poo.
Nice looking, late week poo. And a pretty good pic....view is skewed 90° to give a better look.
So, as usual, my phone died after the first picture. But luckily, the first pic was a good pic. First good poo pic in a while.
This bad poo pic is my cell phone's fault. I took one pic, and then another, and on the third, my phone died. Stupid phone. It restarted, and I tried to take another pic, and it died again. When I checked, the only picture I had was the first one, and as you can see, it's washed out. So I guess it's time for a new phone.
So...I missed a couple of days of poo because my phone has been shitting the bed. Crapping out. Get it? Ha! Yep, I'm still using my old Samsung Note 4. Coming up on three years old. And the battery isn't what it once was. If it gets below 50%, the phone shuts down if I try to take a picture. So I missed at least two poo pics because of the phone. So that's my excuse for the lack of poo pics. And I'm sticking with it.
This is a good poo pic. I got lucky with this one.
Back home from vacation. And had a nice Labor Day, holiday poo. In my regular toilet. This is a better looking poo.
So, last day on holiday. Sad day. And, hopefully, the last, bad poo pics for a while. Just the way condo toilet framed the poos. Oh well.
Last full day of my holiday. Ready for opening day of college football. Started the day off with a nice poo. Nicely formed globbits. And they floated...so we're able to see them in all of their globular glory.
Mid vacation poo. A lot of my recent poos have been like this....unspectacular. And they've been sinking, in a strange toilet. The result was lousy pics. Several I didn't even bother snapping pics of. Meh.
On vacation, now....(Europeans call it "holiday"), and am relaxing at a pleasant, undisclosed location. These chunkies are my first holiday poo. Well formed and floating.