Monday, June 30, 2014

30 June: Monday two poo moop.

So, I crap right after I wake up. I then decided not to go to work because of back spasms. (If you don't know anything about back spasms--they suck.) I had a cup of coffee, and, surprise, second poo. Lucky me! Second poo was a plop....but still a good poo!


Sunday, June 29, 2014

29 June: Sunday flurm.

So, this is post cheat day poo. I was hoping for thicker, but what am I going to do.....?


Saturday, June 28, 2014

28 June: Saturday slorp.

Well, here it is....a big fat post cheat night poo. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.


Friday, June 27, 2014

27 June: Friday florp.

So, regular weekday poo. Kind of a plop. And always after I shower and get to work. Optimally I like to poo BEFORE I shower...that way I feel fresh. Even I poo after I shower, at work....I don't really feel fresh. If only they had a bidet at work!


Thursday, June 26, 2014

26 June: 2 poo Thursday running poo.

So, I hit the gym, first thing in the morning. I was on the treadmill, in the middle of a five mile run. Mile 2 and a half it becomes clear I have to crap. I get off the treadmill, and crap. Good thing I wasn't outside. Then I would have been fucked. I works have had to crap in the bushes. No pic...I don't work out with my phone.

So I had a big lunch, which led to a post lunch crap. That's right...a two poo day. Woo HOO! I got a picture of the second crap...not very exciting, but second poos usually aren't.  (The first poo wasn't really very exciting, either.)


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

25 June: Wednesday chunklets.

Here we are, nice little chunklets. Didn't crap yesterday. Was a little disappointed in the size of the pile. Ah well.


Monday, June 23, 2014

23 June: Monday featherlets.

And finally....

22 June: Sunday curlicue.

And here it is...

21 June: Saturday glork.

And here is...

20 June: Friday flufflets.

And we have...

18 June: Wednesday plurd.

As you can see...

17 June: Tuesday bollup.

And here we have...

15 June: Sunday sloop.


14 June: Saturday pooflets.

And this.. 

10 June: Tuesday loglets.

As you can see...

8 June: Sunday slop.

Nice, steaming pile of poo. Come on guys, you have to admit...this is a nice looking poo.


6 June: Friday flurp.

And as we can see...

4 June: Wednesday plorp.


2 June: 2 Poo Monday!

A rare treat for my fans....a two poo day!


1 June: Sunday log!


31 May: Saturday splurge!


30 May: Friday coil!


28 May: Wednesday scraps.
