Sunday, October 2, 2011

Oct 1, Serious Poo Log

Ok--Friday I fasted during the daylight hours. When I got home, I took a nap and then stuffed myself.

I didn't crap Thursday or Friday--which is very unusual for me. Then Saturday morning I woke with a rumbling in my bowels. I crapped 3 times in two hours. The picture below is my first crap--as you can see--a serious poo log. It was hard and green but it slid right out. YEA! MAN that was satisfying! The two subsequent poos weren't nearly as satisfying OR as pooagenic. But the poo below was the poo I've been waiting for.


Sep 28, Poo Log!

Ok, finally I shit a log! It's been a long time coming. I woke up, ate a quick breakfast (the slow-carb way) and went updatirs to do my morning necessaries. I brushed my teeth and felt the familiar surge in my bowels. I took the dump and was happy to see a nice solid poo log. It wss greesnish anad a little soft, but certainly more pooagenic that what I've been crapping lately.


Sep 26, Monday Morning Poo

Got to work and crapped. Another unexciting poo pat. A lot of my poos have been like this...and that's whay I haven't been looging a lot of pictures.


Sep 25

Standard slow-carb poo loglets. Soft, greenish-brown. Not very exciting. Sorry.


Sep 22, Autumn Poo

Ok, so summer is over. It went fast. The older I ger, the faster the summers pass by. Depressing.

How did it effect my poo? Take a look for yourself. Standard slow-carb poo pat.
