Sunday, April 21, 2024

21 April: Sunday chobblesmort.

I crapped twice yesterday, so I wasn't sure I would poo today. I shouldn't have worried. This was the first of two Sunday craps. This log was dark brown. Yesterday's was dark green. At least we're sticking with earth tones--if my poo is ever purple, I guess I'll have a problem. This poo was medium consistency, which meant, of course, a lot of wiping. But sometimes you have to wipe. A lot. 


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Saturday poo meme.

Sea creature pooing...

20 April: Saturday spornchaggle.

Another two day load. Dark green, looks completely different than Thursday's load. Poo never ceases to amaze me. Medium consistency so that meant a lot of wiping. A LOT. BUT you gotta keep your bunghole clean, right? Anyway...


18 April: Thursday phlobblejormny.

Two day load. Kind of cool looking poo. Chunky and glorky. Hey.... it's poo! 


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

16 April: Tuesday blinkchutney.

Didn't poo Monday so this is a two day load. Big, healthy load. Beefy load. I knew this was going to be a big load as I was squeezing it out of my bunghole. Sometimes, you just know. Poo is poo. Poo is always poo. 


Sunday, April 14, 2024

14 April: Sunday florpkinsmurd.

Dropped this little dollop mid-morning.  Not much else to say. It's poo. 
